Former VA gov. Jim Gilmore: WHY I’M RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT – IOTW Report


jim gillmore

Hello, I’m Jim Gilmore and today I am announcing my candidacy for the Republican nomination for President of the United States.

18 Comments on Former VA gov. Jim Gilmore: WHY I’M RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT

  1. So why has he kept his lantern under a bushel basket for all these years? He’s on the NRA Board, attends a homeland security think tank, has been a talking head on Fox News.

    What has he done to stop dawon for all these years? Maybe I just wasn’t paying attention.

  2. Hello, I’m Jim Gilmore and today I am announcing my hope to become part of any republican administration by sucking up to the actual nominee who has a chance ’cause I’m near the end of by political career.

  3. “Seeking and/or holding office, especially national-level office, is, in and of itself, proof that a given person is psychologically and morally unfit to hold public office.”

    -Ann Barnhardt

  4. This is just another WEDGE faux candidate of the US (RINO) Chamber of Commerce, to “divide and conquer” for Jeb.

    Hence Rubio in FL
    Hence Kasich in OH
    Hence Perry in TX
    and…hence Gilmore for VA.

    “It’s a TRAP!!!”

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