Fort Hood Survivor: The War is Here on U.S. Soil – IOTW Report

Fort Hood Survivor: The War is Here on U.S. Soil

ft hood survivor

Legal Insurrection:

Despite being shot multiple times, Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford survived the 2009 attack at Fort Hood. He was recently interviewed by Charles Payne of the FOX Business Network and offered some sober commentary on the shooting in Tennessee.

Tom Tillison of BizPac Review has more:

‘War is here on US soil’: Ft. Hood victim says Obama WH needs to get head out of a**

The White House has its head where it doesn’t belong.

Saying the “war is here on U.S. soil,” a victim of the 2009 Fort Hood attack by Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan described the killing of four U.S. Marines in Chattanooga, Tennessee, on Thursday as “an act of terror.”

He said the threat won’t go away until it is eliminated…

“They need to get their heads out of the fourth point of contact and call it what it is,” Lunsford said of the Obama administration.

The “fourth point of contact” is Airborne military jargon for the derriere, which is a somewhat more polite way of telling Obama to get his head out of his **s.


6 Comments on Fort Hood Survivor: The War is Here on U.S. Soil

  1. Good to see more people calling it what it is: we are at war in our own land. God bless Sgt. Alonzo for his service, and for having the courage to speak out, and to speak the truth.

  2. Charles Payne is the best commentator on Fox. Not only does he give financial news, but he and Lou Dobbs have more astute political commentary than anyone.

    Both are on Fox Business, which is more relevant nowadays than Fox News. Fox News is devolving into entertainment — who needs more time-wasting drivel?

  3. At work we are surrounded by huge video monitors. We are allowed to watch (1) the Weather Channel, and (2) a news channel. No one here can stomach the LSM, so Fox is on all. Day. Long.

    I’m with you about FNC. I’m sick of it.

    But with the sound off, the eye candy is always a treat.

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