France: 2 little girls tortured and starved by mother and her boyfriend Mohamed – – IOTW Report

France: 2 little girls tortured and starved by mother and her boyfriend Mohamed –

Who also prostituted himself on gay dating apps.

ReMix– Two little girls, aged three and six, were tortured and starved by their own mother along with her new boyfriend, Mohamed, who is currently standing trial in Bobigny, in the multicultural Paris neighborhood of Seine-Saint-Denis. The mother defended the severe beating of one child, saying that “she is possessed by the devil.”

The mother and her boyfriend are charged with “torture, acts of barbarity, violence, deprivation of care and corruption of a minor.” Prosecutors say they carried out the traumatic acts against the children between December 2023 and May 2024 in the mother’s home in Seine-Saint-Denis. more

13 Comments on France: 2 little girls tortured and starved by mother and her boyfriend Mohamed –

  1. Well hell at least France charges these animals. The U.K. protects them. Elon’s burning that shit down. I read that article and immediately smelled sulfur. What evil people.

  2. If ANYONE in a position of authority is willing to give this a pass….

    GOD help his soul because if given the chance, I would destroy everything that bastard ever stood for.

    If you have the authority…..eliminate the mother and the filthy muslim.


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