France Burns While Media Demand We Pretend Not to See the Origin of the “Crisis” – IOTW Report

France Burns While Media Demand We Pretend Not to See the Origin of the “Crisis”

CTH: For years, decades even, we have watched as European cultural elites, rich white people, literally chose to accept a path to their own inevitable destruction.

Yet now, even as stores are looted, buildings that withstood World War II are destroyed, and rampant violent mayhem erupts, we are supposed to pretend this had something to do with a 17-year-old named Nahel Marzouk who was shot dead by French police for trying to use his vehicle to kill them. read more

14 Comments on France Burns While Media Demand We Pretend Not to See the Origin of the “Crisis”

  1. It seems like just last week that Russia was “cracking and about to crumble”. Indeed:

    “Following the opinion of French President Emmanuel Macron, the rebellion of mercenaries of the Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) led by Yevgeny Prigozhin “underlines the differences existing in Russia’s ruling circles”.

    Source: Macron in an interview with La Provence

    Details: Macron noted that he “followed the events every hour” due to the rebellion.

    He added that “the situation is still developing. But it underlines the differences existing in Russia and the fragility of both its army and auxiliary forces, such as the Wagner Group”.

    lol Yahoo “news”. And lol Micron.

  2. Too bad the average French citizens don’t have guns to fight back.

  3. The video on the CTH link mentions 50,000/year migrants were being allowed into England. As an island, you’d think… Anyway, we’re “allowing” 2-3x that a MONTH with 9 million and counting pouring in. Bus caravans are transporting them from Panama through Mexico to our border where BP is handing them a court date(8 years away) and c’mon in.

    In France, government draconian measures under consideration are suspension of the internet. Anyone that thinks the dems want these millions of illegals here to change the voting demographics is missing the boat.

    When the time comes, some George Floyd like incident or a benefit shutoff…something will set these crazed scumbags off giving government all the leeway necessary to ramp up control.

    Most of out cities are already settled with 1,000s of tents lining sidewalks, under bridges, crammed into parks and school yards. It’s not going to take much.

  4. It is impressive how the Muslims get away with this. More than a thousand years of bad behavior and it is still tolerated.
    As a general rule Rioters and looters should be shot on sight.
    Islam Delenda est.

  5. This is Islam vs Christianity. I think most folks on this site know that. I mention that to some others and they all but call me a nut. My wife is traveling to Cameroon today. Trip planned for some time. Traveling thru Paris. I told her to look for the smoke as they bank in. The airport seems safe…for now.

  6. DaveVA, I don’t think it’s as simple as “Islam vs Christianity”. It’s more like “Globohomo vs Christianity”, and islam is just one of their stalking horses.

  7. Bring people in to a developed culture from the wasteland of their own making, pay for their food, shelter, medical care and expenses; allow them to remain idle. Of course they’ll try to recreate the place from whence they came. Look at the blacks in our cities, they live in the wasteland they created and they’re exporting it to the ‘burbs, nothing left ‘round home to fuck up.


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