Frank Gaffney: ‘It Is Now a Matter of When, Not If, Obama Must Pardon Hillary Clinton’ – IOTW Report

Frank Gaffney: ‘It Is Now a Matter of When, Not If, Obama Must Pardon Hillary Clinton’

Breitbart: Appearing on Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily, Center for Security Policy founder Frank Gaffney said he was an “admirer of Mike Flynn’s,” but judged that his speech at the Republican National Convention “wasn’t his best speech, and it was a difficult circumstance in which to provide it, after Mrs. Trump’s appearance.”

“But, having said all that, Steve, I think the intensity of the criticism is a direct function of the recognition, at least implicitly, that the Left in this country has a real problem – and that is, increasingly, the American people are awakening to the reality that they have been lying to them,” Gaffney told SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon.

“They’ve been dissembling about a real threat. They have been insisting that we not talk about it, that we not understand it, that we take counsel from – indeed, we be dictated policy by – the Muslim Brotherhood, who are partnering with them. The Red/Green Axis, as it’s been called,” he continued. “And worst, in a way, the Left has been actively enabling this.”  more

11 Comments on Frank Gaffney: ‘It Is Now a Matter of When, Not If, Obama Must Pardon Hillary Clinton’

  1. Obutthole and the Cunt are in a damned if you do, damned if you don’t position. After Comey’s laundry list of indictable crimes, any sentient voter has good reason to believe she’s committed any number of felonies. If Obutthole pardons her, they’ll KNOW she’s committed felonies. Jus’ sayin’

  2. For what? Can he pardon her if she hasn’t even been indicted? And how will that reflect on her election hopes? As much as I want Killary to fail come November I don’t think anything like that from the president will help her.

  3. I thought a person had to convicted before they could be pardoned. Not just indicted .
    But I don’t spend much time thinking about the twisted legalities. I’m probably wrong.

  4. But look how O protected Holder and Lerner, etc. Protection IS what our Chicago gangster president provides. Hillary has been under the O umbrella. This time it was completed right out in the open, with Lynch and Bill making the deal and the O edict stated right out loud, several times.

    They have no fear. Like any criminal, they become bolder, with each success. They don’t even bother to hide their wrong doings. So boldly, it seems, that ‘getting away with it’ is part of their platform.

    A criminal, (still under several investigations, even more boldly and in-your-face), being nominated for president, like a third world, despotic ruler. Take a look at Venezuela; their nefarious plan is all laid out for us. Welcome to our future

  5. Who’s your daddy! Saul Alinsky dedicating his book Rules For Radicals to Lucifer, the father of lies shows who the democraps and lefties true father and inspiration for all their lies is. It’s no wonder they hate God because they’ve become totally consumed by lies, lies and more damned lies that they don’t know what the truth is anymore except to lie and lie some more hoping we’re stupid enough to believe their BS.

  6. Ford gave Nixon a full and unconditional pardon for any crimes he might have committed against the United States while president. Not “did” but “might have”.

    Obama has the opportunity to pardon Hillary after the election. You know, to protect her against unwarranted attacks from those crazed right wing fanatics. Problem for the Clinton crime family is a pardon will need to be extended to Bill if it is to protect the wealth their foundation has scammed from selling government favors.

    Then there is the issue that anyone receiving emails of classified information from Hillary’s personal email account, and not reporting the security breech, has serious problems. Please, please, please pick Christie for AG.

  7. Ford gave Nixon a full and unconditional pardon for any crimes he might have committed against the United States while president. Not “did” but “might have”.

    this may be true but nixon had resigned and was not seeking to be elected potus at the time.
    the beast is asking to be pardoned while seeking the office of potus by the current potus for “crimes she may have committed”.

    I am not sure but I think a pardon like this would have to end her career.

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