Freaky – IOTW Report


If you don’t like snakes, watch this with your hands over your eyes and only peek.

Me? I thought it was so cool!

18 Comments on Freaky

  1. That fag screaming “Oh my God, Oh my God” needs to turn in his man card. I can’t stand effeminate males. His generation watched too many ‘Friends’ episodes when growing up and there was obviously no dad in the home.

  2. I’ve been bit by smaller non-poisonous snakes. They do have teeth that can draw some blood. I prefer a feed bag over my arm then grab them behind the head and invert the bag as you pull it down over your hand and the snake. Safety Tip: Also you should know your snake.

  3. I hate snakes, I would have had a stroke. My husband on the other hand has never had any fear of snakes and I won’t lie I’m the one screaming like a little girl anytime there’s a snake telling him to not get bit because he will catch them, unless it’s a venomous snake then he yells for the shovel or gun depending on the day. Which usually around here it’s a copperhead, although we have had a few timber rattlers before and his hillbilly self skinned the rattlers and grilled them. No way in hell I’m eating a snake.


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