Free as birds and guilty as sin – The Central Park 5 – IOTW Report

Free as birds and guilty as sin – The Central Park 5


Santana was one of the first boys picked up in the park the night of the attacks, April 19, 1989. While being driven to the precinct house, he blurted out: “I had nothing to do with the rape. All I did was feel the woman’s tits.” 

At this point, the jogger hadn’t been found. The police knew nothing about any rape. 

Richardson rode to the precinct with another boy, who announced to the police that he knew who did “the murder,” naming Antron McCray. Richardson concurred, saying, “Yeah. That’s who did it.” 

Salaam confessed to the rape after the detective questioning him said that fingerprints had been found on the jogger’s clothing, and if the prints were his, he was “going down for the rape.” Salaam confessed immediately. Why would he do that — unless he was worried the prints might be his? 

— Dennis Commedo, one of the boys who was part of the larger group, told the police that, when he ran into Richardson in the park that night, he’d said, “We just raped somebody.” 

— Wise told a friend’s sister, Melody Jackson, that he didn’t rape the jogger; he “only held her legs down while Kevin (Richardson) f—ed her.” Jackson volunteered this information to the police, thinking it would help Wise. 

— Two of Wise’s friends said that, the next day, he told them, “You heard about that woman that was beat up and raped in the park last night. That was us!” 

— Another boy arrested for the attacks, but not the rape, told the detectives on videotape that he overheard Santana and a friend laughing in the park about how they’d “made a woman bleed.” 

The defendants also knew facts about the attack that only someone who had been there could possibly know. Two of the boys, Santana and Richardson, independently pointed out the exact location where the rape had occurred. 

Wise told the detective interviewing him that someone he thought was named “Rudy” had stolen the jogger’s Walkman. The officer’s notes state: “persons present when girl raped. … Rudy –- played with tits/took walkman.” 

At that point, the jogger was still in a coma. Police investigators had no way of knowing that she’d been carrying a Walkman. Thirteen years later, the sixth rapist, Matias Reyes — the only rapist, according to Hollywood and former District Attorney Robert Morgenthau — told police that in addition to raping the jogger, he’d stolen her Walkman. 

At the risk of sounding as stupid as a liberal, one of the most disheartening aspects of the “Central Park 5” folktale is that several of the boys had lovely parents, who came to the police station and sternly instructed their sons to tell the truth.

But instead of learning a somber lesson from their parents, paying the price and emerging better men, they have learned a much different lesson from our media: It doesn’t matter what you do to another human being; cry “racism,” and you will be rewarded with untold riches and celebrity. 


15 Comments on Free as birds and guilty as sin – The Central Park 5

  1. I used to believe we had “justice for all.” It’s become justice for the few, depending on race, income, status, position, religion, employment, politics or just a judicial whim.

  2. This only confirms what I have been saying: women are among the lowest sub-constituencies in the prog constituent pecking order. I said that three decades ago when I was in college and warned coeds that if they enter into a relationship with a certain prog leader guy of politically preferred pigmentation to go in expecting to be abused and don’t even bother looking for the full time grievance promoters, or the college, to take your complaints seriously.

  3. This can’t be true. I watched Sixty Minutes and it explained what a miscarriage of Justice this case was, and how innocent these feral black bastards were in the assault on the white jogger. I also watched Smerconish interview one of the black detectives who was on the case from the first arrests, and he tells a completely different version of what happened that night from what the perpetrators are spewing. He was very credible. Paging Sherlock Holmes!

  4. The guilty 5 all need the vigilante justice that was ultimately given to rapist/murderer Leo Frank. Organized vigilantes became necessary when there either were no law enforcers, or they wouldn’t enforce the law. The latter is what we now have happening in this country. The same lack of deserved justice has not been done to the guilty black torturer murderers of Christian/Newsom in Tennessee.

  5. Only two things allow me to keep my rage in check:
    1. Just like Rodney King, they will blow all their “winnings” in short order, and die an early death, broke and unloved.
    2. True justice will be delivered in the afterlife.

  6. It was her own fault, although it’s easier said than done, people have been told time and time again to never run from a predator it just triggers their instincts to chase and overtake. She should have stood still and calmly asked them if they could spare a few bucks so she could get her AIDS and herpes medications refilled.

  7. those who forget – or refuse to remember – history…..

    when evil is proven, and yet denied……

    ……those who control history, control the present…those who control the present, control the future….

    back in the day, everyone knew these pieces of shit were as guilty as hell….now, everyone knows they were, like, toadly innocent…..

    such is life

  8. tRuth and all.. you wrote truth when you stated,
    “Organized vigilantes became necessary when there either were no law enforcers, or they wouldn’t enforce the law.”
    This kind of behavior was rampant after the Civil War, and included the horrible abuse and deaths of children. Your reaction is probably much the same as that of the men of that time who sought by any means to stem the tide of murders. Thus the FIRST Ku Klux Clan.

    The following “versions” of the KKK were not related to these men who sought to protect their families in a lawless time.

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