French Ambassador Praises Hungarian Prime Minister, Brands Muslims in France and Germany Anti-Semitic – IOTW Report

French Ambassador Praises Hungarian Prime Minister, Brands Muslims in France and Germany Anti-Semitic

Breitbart: A leaked confidential note from the French ambassador to Hungary has revealed praise for Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s migrant policy, and has drawn ire from French president Emmanuel Macron.

In the confidential note, which was addressed to the Élysée Palace and top European Union officials, Ambassador Eric Fournier defends the Hungarian leader, saying that the migrant policy of Prime Minister Orbán is a “model” for Europe and that many politicians in the west suffer from “Hungaryophobia”, French broadcaster BFMTV reports.

Fournier described Hungary’s migration policy as “having anticipated the problems posed by illegal migratory movements,” and slammed “Anglo-Saxon and French media”, saying: “Any democratically elected regime that does not correspond to their worldview [is called] ‘populist’.”

The ambassador also defended the Hungarian government against allegations of anti-Semitism, saying that the “true modern anti-Semitism” belongs to “Muslims of France and Germany.”  read more

4 Comments on French Ambassador Praises Hungarian Prime Minister, Brands Muslims in France and Germany Anti-Semitic

  1. They should chase those Muslim bastards out of Europe with a line of beaters out in front, old jungle movie style.
    “Paysay! Paysay! Pulu se Bakumba!”


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