French Artists in 1900 Were Asked To Draw What Life Would Be Like in the Year 2000 – IOTW Report

French Artists in 1900 Were Asked To Draw What Life Would Be Like in the Year 2000

Not one of them predicted an onslaught of violent Muslims in France.


Indoctrination? Check

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Still no with the flying cars

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Nope with the underwater life


Air-Sea Rescue?  Check

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Not quite sure what was being implied here.

See more HERE

8 Comments on French Artists in 1900 Were Asked To Draw What Life Would Be Like in the Year 2000

  1. This pretty much just verifies what has been known for some time; no one can tell the future.

    When Michael Crichton spoke about the future, he would ask his audience if they knew what the biggest problem that was facing the big cities in 1900. That problem was…horse shit. Yes. Since all business vehicles, public transportation, emergency vehicles, everything was horse powered, the problem was the mounting piles of manure. They were having to erect temporary storage buildings to hold it and even that wasn’t enough. When the the pundits of the day were asked about what would be the major problems facing the cities of the future, they also said…horse shit.

    But by 1920, that problem disappeared because of the internal combustion engine. There were so many World War I surplus vehicles that business motorized and never looked back.

    What will the year 2100 look like? If you ask a knuckle-dragging liberal you will hear nothing but climate change, warming, and pollution. If you ask an intelligent person, they will tell the truth — no one knows.

  2. Neat pictures though. Winged flight and deep sea exploration were right around the corner so, even though they didn’t get it quite right, they knew these advances were coming.

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