friends describe Roof as a confused young man who alternated between hanging out with black friends and ranting against blacks – IOTW Report

friends describe Roof as a confused young man who alternated between hanging out with black friends and ranting against blacks


A black friend of the white man accused of murdering nine people at a Charleston church says the suspect told him a week prior to the killings that he planned to shoot up a local college campus.

Christon Scriven, a drinking buddy of Dylann Roof, told The Associated Press Friday that he thought Roof’s statements were just drunken bluster. However, Scriven said that he was concerned enough that he and another friend, Joey Meek, went out to take his .45-caliber gun, hiding it in an air-conditioning vent of a mobile home until they all sobered up.

“He just said he was going to hurt a bunch of people” at the College of Charleston,” said Scriven, 22.

“I said, ‘What did you say? Why do you want to hurt those people in Charleston?'”

“He just said, ‘In seven days. … I have seven days.'”


15 Comments on friends describe Roof as a confused young man who alternated between hanging out with black friends and ranting against blacks

  1. He was or is on some serious drugs and they can make you do things that normally you wouldn’t do. There are commenters here that say things that border on a threat to groups of people, like Muzlims. Should we turn them into the FBI. Heck no.

  2. There’s three things Rick Perry needs to do:

    1. Think before he opens his pie hole.

    2. STFU in the mean time.

    3. Um… um… It was just on the tip of my brain… Don’t help me… I’ll remember… um…

  3. As someone wrote on an earlier thread “‘Hamlet’ is a tragedy – this was an atrocity!” (or close to that)

    But, on NO account, was it an “accident.”

    I like Perry, but he needs to learn that: “discretion is the better part of valor” and Shut the Fuck Up.

  4. I would have a special cell for people like this.
    A metal tub full of water with a toaster plugged in on a table next to it.
    A folding chair with a noose above it.
    A .38 with one bullet in it.
    An air breathing mask hooked to a tank of carbon monoxide.
    A pair of scissors to run with.
    A carton of eggs way past the experation date
    But what do they always do….
    Put him on suicide watch…..WHY?
    Let him kill himself… Who cares.

  5. I think they need to put this mental defect in hard lockdown with all of the rest of his Nazi/White Supremacist friends. They should be really proud of him for bringing all of this attention to their cause.

    When they finally find his dead body, his asshole will the size of a peacoat sleeve…

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