FTX Made Fraud So Simple Even a Dork Like SBF Could Do It – IOTW Report

FTX Made Fraud So Simple Even a Dork Like SBF Could Do It


Far from having “f—– up,” SEC and Commodity Futures Trading Commission regulators, alongside federal prosecutors from the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, allege that Bankman-Fried was at the heart — indeed, the driver — of “one of the biggest financial frauds in American history,” in the words of U.S. Attorney Damian Williams. The allegations against Bankman-Fried were assembled with stunning speed, but offer insight into one of the highest-profile fraud prosecutions since Enron. More

8 Comments on FTX Made Fraud So Simple Even a Dork Like SBF Could Do It

  1. So.
    Welcome Class.
    Who would like to know what a BitCoin is.
    In one sentence.

    Name That Tune Bidding

    How many Notes before you think you know its composition?

    Start the Bidding. Min 4K rules apply.

  2. If anyone thinks that Binance & CZ are not also doing something similar watch even him squirm when he gets questioned on why the big 4 accounting firms won’t touch/work with him and if he could weather 2 billion of sudden redemptions.

    He avoided the question and deflected to “Our Legal Team can answer that.”

    he just bought another exchange today & I bet he pulls the rug out from than one in less than a year.

    Rumour is that his close in people buy up SHIT-COINS (the obscure coins) on these exchanges, The main entity then buys the exchange, everything gets a lift, and then the insiders sell. Pump & dump???

    Apparently, he is also not afraid to be arrested in certain countries.

  3. From what little I have read on this, it seems like SBF wasn’t the only dork. His buddies in crime were not MENSA candidates, either. In fact, they were so clueless that they seem to not have known that taking all that money and doing with it as they pleased was against the law. Now, that just might be a ‘brilliant’ strategy to try to get away with it, but seriously; how stupid do you have to be?

    I’m thinking that someone else set this up to give big bucks to the left and the air heads will end up doing the time. Sounds like someone who is leading Biden down the scapegoat path, too, doncha think?

  4. I hope every fool who lost their ass suffers tremendously. They deserve it. Also, if someone can’t explain something to you in five minutes or less and it makes sense, don’t have anything to do with it.


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