Fun To Watch 60 Minutes Interview of Obama With This Guy Talking Over It – IOTW Report

Fun To Watch 60 Minutes Interview of Obama With This Guy Talking Over It

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11 Comments on Fun To Watch 60 Minutes Interview of Obama With This Guy Talking Over It

  1. I’ve been saying for some time now, when the end of the reign of terror known as the Obama years nears its end, the brothers and sisters, they of the 95% Obama voting block, are going to look around at what they have wrought and know that now, they are truly and deeply screwed.

    Black unemployment at historic levels, especially black youth.

    Black families never at more risk. Black on black crime reducing huge swaths of American cities into American Beiruts.

    Black dependency on Uncle Sugar at historic highs.Food stamps. WIC. You name it.

    And white empathy for blacks at all time lows.

    Because the last thing this country has a thirst for (or let alone the financial capacity for) is more and expanded entitlements.

    The only thing Obama ever did for the blacks was keep all of the benefits of his Presidency for himself, his immediate family, and his big-moneyed donors. If I’m wrong, tell me how I am.

    It’s like reparations were paid, but just to one family.

    Yes, it’s now that they finally see the level of their own truly screwed-ness.

  2. His admission that he was “skeptical” about the training of moderates is put forth so he can appear to maintain the high-ground in the midst of this abject failure.

    “I was skeptical from the beginning, so the failure doesn’t really count against me” is his defense.

    The man whose foreign policy platform is rooted in “Bush’s failed war in Iraq” says that he didn’t even believe in the training program to begin with…but he went ahead with failure, anyway.


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