G-7 Nations Sign Agreement On Minimum Corporate Tax Rate Of 15% – IOTW Report

G-7 Nations Sign Agreement On Minimum Corporate Tax Rate Of 15%

CBS News

The G-7 ministers agreed in principle to a global minimum tax rate of 15% for multinational companies in each country they operate in. 

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who attended the London meetings, said the agreement “provides tremendous momentum” towards reaching a global 15% rate that “would end the race-to-the-bottom in corporate taxation, and ensure fairness for the middle class and working people in the U.S. and around the world.” More

14 Comments on G-7 Nations Sign Agreement On Minimum Corporate Tax Rate Of 15%

  1. Yeah, stick to those evil corporations…oh wait…if costs rise to get a product to market, do dems think the corps will eat them??

    Guess so-probably why they want CRT taught in schools instead of economics. Thank a teacher’s union.

  2. We’re screwed folk’s. 🀬

    Now for some happy news, we can watch the real President speak in about an hour and half from NC. πŸ˜‰

    MAGA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  3. MAF

    You are right! But liberals have told the lie”Businesses will pay the tax. Not Consumers!” a million times the last 61 years.
    Business basically have 2 options:
    1. Raise prices; thereby paying the tax on to their customers.
    2. Go out of business.

    I am convinced that many liberals know this but tell the lie because they want to hurt Americans. Case in point. Janet Yellen!

  4. A little history on Yellen;
    In 1994, President Bill Clinton appointed then-Dr. Yellen to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Three years later, he named her Chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. In 2004, Secretary Yellen began her third tenure at the Federal Reserve, this time as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. A member of the Democratic Party, she previously served as the 15th chair of the Federal Reserve from 2014 to 2018.
    Now she’s Biden’s Secretary of the Treasury.

    Where’s her interest? Is it the Federal Reserve, which is privately owned, or the US Citizens? The privately owned FED, hands down. Grab your ankles dear citizens.

  5. Another step to validate a new world order of global governance. Someone posted some pictures of those fancy UN Vehicles they have in the US being moved in S. Carolina. Can’t wait for their next big crisis to unleash more insanity.

  6. Biden is going to be even worse with foreign policy. The people behind him are pulling the strings and are worse than him..

    Just look at Biden’s record through time all on it’s own..

  7. How can anyone even remotely believe these assholes agreed to a minimum of a 15% corporate shit rate. Am I the only one who is going nuts..?

    I never took an economics course in my life, and even I understood I lived in a hampered policy driven faux piece of shit decades ago.

    Don’t people know when there being fucked..?

    The Commies in the USSR fucked theirs hardcore for over 78 years while telling all the idiots, the West were the oppressors..

    Sound familiar..?


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