Gannett Reporter Signed Walker Recall, Reported On Republicans – IOTW Report

Gannett Reporter Signed Walker Recall, Reported On Republicans

gannett reporter anti walker

Media Trackers: Another Gannett reporter has been found reporting on Gov. Scott Walker after signing a petition to force a recall election to remove him from office.

Media Trackers earlier this week discovered that Madeleine Behr of the Appleton Post-Crescent and USA Today signed a Walker recall petition before joining Gannett, but despite editors knowing about her brief political activism she was assigned to cover political topics – including Walker’s presidential campaign, anyway.

Shereen Siewert of the Wausau Daily Herald signed a Walker recall petition in December of 2011, just months before she joined the newspaper as a reporter according to her LinkedIn profile. Her name appears as “Shereen Skola” on the petition, which is consistent with court records from that time, and the address listed matches her present address.


14 Comments on Gannett Reporter Signed Walker Recall, Reported On Republicans

  1. Our local paper was bought by the Gannnett company years ago and it became a wretched liberal rag. The liberal contagion stains it to the point where it is completely unreadable. My dad who was a Veternarian in the valley for years said he only got it so he could paper his kennel floors with it.

  2. Gannett spun off it’s print business a few years back I think as it was a drag on the whole company. Print doesn’t have the sway that they used to have so I suspect that hacks like her stay around because the editors and publishers (at least the ones that aren’t progs) just don’t give a crap and are just running out the clock.

  3. My local paper is or was Gannet. Used to do a decent job investigating NJ politics (pretty good editorial too). Now since the buy out I get a small front section of inconsequential local news and the rest is literally USA Today (barf) Can’t convince my wife to cancel unfortunately

  4. The Recall Petition: the gift that keeps on giving.

    I wouldn’t have even dreamed we could ever have an official Wisconsin Moonbat Registry, but darn if they didn’t go and create one for us themselves.

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