Gardiner: What if the COVID-19 vaccines are not really vaccines? – IOTW Report

Gardiner: What if the COVID-19 vaccines are not really vaccines?

American Thinker:
By Paul S. Gardiner

Evidence has come to light strongly indicating that the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines are not really “vaccines” in the medical and legal sense of the word, but rather “experimental gene therapies.”  If proven true, the significance and legal ramifications of this allegation are profound.

This article summarizes a presentation by Dr. David Martin, a national intelligence analyst and founder of IQ100 Index, a developer of linguistic genomics, and molecular biologist Dr. Judy Mikovits.

In the presentation, Dr. Martin states, “You cannot have a vaccine that doesn’t claim to result in either immunity or blocking transmission.”  He goes on to say, “By their own patents and reference material, neither Pfizer nor Moderna claims this.  Rather, they only classify their products as ‘gene therapy.'”

Dr. Martin states the Moderna and Pfizer products “do not prevent you from getting the COVID-19 infection, nor do they prevent its spread.  They are really experimental gene therapies — unlike real vaccines, which use an antigen of the disease you’re trying to prevent, the Moderna and Pfizer injections contain synthetic RNA fragments encapsulated in a nanolipid carrier compound, the sole purpose of which is to lessen clinical symptoms associated with the S-1 spike protein, not the actual virus.”

If indeed Moderna and Pfizer corporations are misrepresenting their experimental gene therapies as bona fide vaccines, Dr. Martin states that “the legal ramifications of this deception are immense — from a legal view, both Moderna and Pfizer qualify as using illegal deceptive practices by making medical claims without clinic trial proof of immunity and transmission blocking.  The U.S. Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S. Code, Section 41, outlaws such deceptive practices.” more

40 Comments on Gardiner: What if the COVID-19 vaccines are not really vaccines?

  1. BINGO! Things have been reported then wiped clean because it is ‘the science’. This whole scamdemic should be investigated by REAL investigators and not another faux inquiry or investigation by clowngress. The only search for ways to suppress truth and get more money.

  2. “No one’s going to get any punishment for anything they have done.”

    Depends on who wins the rumble.

    And how long before the rumble begins.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The “covid-19 vaccine” is the only multi-billion dollar product in the history of the world made by a company that blames its failures squarely on people who do not use the product. At the same time it turned every person who took their product into an active marketing participant who acted without compensation.

    That’s actually quite revolutionary.

  4. Hmm, it seems we have discussed this for many months, and I believe most of us, not all, are not even in the medical or pharmaceutical fields.
    I think we should all get payoffs from the gubmint and big pharma. I will donate mine to BFH and IOTW

  5. If proven true, the significance and legal ramifications of this allegation are profound.

    This article summarizes a presentation by Dr. David Martin, a national intelligence analyst and founder of IQ100 Index

    Anyone who, even entertains, the former… can’t see over the crest of the latter. Even while hopping up and down. On the “special” side of the bell curve.

  6. @Tim – FJB March 17, 2022 at 12:48 pm

    > “No one’s going to get any punishment for anything they have done.”
    > Depends on who wins the rumble.
    > And how long before the rumble begins.

    No. It won’t. If “the rumble” is “won” by those that will continue to genuflect to the rule(no “s” required) of those they defeated, the “defeated” win. If not, then nigglings about what they did, won’t be entertained, after identifying who they are.

  7. In other breaking news, scientist discover that the world is not flat! Give me a break, anyone who did any research at all has known this since the day the “vaccine” was introduced.

  8. Keep praying for God’s intervention in this and so many other crimes against us. It should always be our first action.

    Doors shutting and doors opening. That’s God’s wheelhouse.

  9. You don’t say! I’ve had arguments with family members for at least the past 15 months – every time one of them brags about their vax status – I got my shot, I got my second dose, I just got boosted – I tell them that whatever they got is not a vaccine but good luck with the clinical trials of the vast experimental gene therapy.

    They do not believe me. I will never, ever understand the blind faith and exuberance for this emergency shot. But like good little brainwashed citizens, once they contract omicron that the “vax” prevented them from getting sicker. Far out, man. I’ve stopped wasting my breath.

  10. An couple of important elements in this matter seem to have been forgotten. It’s important that they be remembered and restated loudly whenever possible.

    It was in December of 2019, yes 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟗, that the fedgovt changed the legal definition of “biological products”. Previously, the definition explicitly e͇x͇c͇l͇u͇d͇e͇d͇ 𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙨𝙮𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙯𝙚𝙙 𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙮𝙥𝙚𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙙𝙚. That exclusion was eliminated.

    The mRNA in the “vaccines” is a chemically synthesized polypeptide.

    The regulation of biological products is quite different from the regulation of vaccines.

    Second, it was in September of 2021 that the CDC changed 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 their definition of “vaccine” to implicitly include biological products.

    Make of this what you will, but I see this as evil intent.

    https ://

    https ://

  11. @Stop the World…

    It’s really something, isn’t it? You answered your own question. The entire “vaccine” nonsense has been purely political from the start. When it was Trump’s solution, the loyal opposition opposed it and said “like hell” they were getting the jab. When the election was stolen, they turned on a dime and started ratting out their un-“vaxxed” neighbors. Just how much money has been spent to coerce, cajole, bribe and dupe people into this fiasco (not counting the billions given to J&J, Pfizer, Moderna, etc) is anyone’s guess.

    Social media giants have had the most influence and among their sweet spot target: teenagers up through 30-somethings and, of course, die-hard progtards. The most consistent mask wearers are young people — the ones with the least to worry about ANY kind of disease and, specifically, covid.

    I see way too many under 40’s driving around with masks on and their children masked! Even now, with the mask mandate all but ended in the Seattle area, the biggest group unwilling to give up their masks are under 40. At my favorite coffee drive-though (not SBUX), I remarked how wonderful it was to see everyone’s faces again and one of the young gals said she feels “funny” and that she’s “doing something wrong.” I bet there are a huge number of her peer group who feel the same way. And children?! Some tots have spent most of their lives wearing a face mask! After reading all the ill effects from this, I am very angry. I hope Fauci ROTS in HELL for what he’s done.

  12. @Uncle Al March 17, 2022 at 3:14 pm

    > It’s important that they be remembered and restated loudly whenever possible.

    Remembered? Yes.
    Restated? Why?

    Even if, obviously, true… The insistence that they matter, is completely contingent on people of righteous inclination, with overwhelming firepower.

    For example, Ukraine. If you believe The United States overthrowing the locally elected government, was the right thing to do… wonderful. If you believe Russia overthrowing the puppet regime, was the right thing to do… excellent. But all that matters, is who kills those in disagreement, first. There will be no, there can be no, “We’ll agree to disagree”. Lives were already at stake.

  13. These are some of the most evil sonsofbitches we’ll ever know! Giving this stuff to innocent children! There will be hell to pay! How can a parent allow this?!

  14. Hopefully this puts me in the unvaxxed control group but I no longer trust that they won’t come up with delivery vehicle.
    Time to get a cow and some chickens. And I remember seeing a video of a Spaghetti tree.

  15. My thrice jabbed younger sister died from covid. I have cancer and have had three oncologists refuse to to treat me because of my reluctance to get their bullshit shots. Found one that would treat me, she stopped the spread, and tells me with a bit of luck I I may well be cancer free in late fall, early winter.

  16. This is a lost cause, complaining about the jab is no good & they don’t believe me. Exactly, see there is more than just the jab, just one subject that prevents an understanding. They pretty much don’t agree on other subjects too. That being said they won’t believe anything you say about the jab because they don’t believe you on other opinions/beliefs you have. No, nothing is going to change this.

  17. “I will never, ever understand the blind faith and exuberance for this emergency shot.”

    My top pick reason?

    Admitting they’re wrong is almost impossible for these people.

    Even if it’s in front of them in plain black and white. I could give them Pfizer documents listing all the problems, but it would mean admitting they were and are fools.

    It takes a lot to humble the hard headed.

  18. @ OldCoot MARCH 17, 2022 AT 12:42 PM

    ” No one’s going to get any punishment for anything they have done.”

    Don’t tell that to the vaxxed. They’ll find out for themselves soon enough.

  19. @Dadof4 March 17, 2022 at 5:42 pm

    > Admitting they’re wrong is almost impossible for these people.

    > It takes a lot to humble the hard headed.

    You’re being too hard on them.

    How do you explain to the color blind, the difference between red and green? How do you convince them there is a difference?

    How do you explain to the stupid, that they’re stupid? And convince them to understand what they don’t even know exists?

  20. “My thrice jabbed younger sister died from covid. I have cancer and have had three oncologists refuse to to treat me because of my reluctance to get their bullshit shots. Found one that would treat me, she stopped the spread, and tells me with a bit of luck I I may well be cancer free in late fall, early winter.”

    Sorry to hear about your sister, Rick. Hope your treatment goes well in the months to come.

  21. @ F

    The ones I know are not stupid. They have very high IQs and work in professions like law and medicine, except for Mr Inheritance who has no experience at making his own way in life and feels guilty for having a lot of money he didn’t earn. Stupid is not a word I would use to describe them. Arrogant and brainwashed fit, though.

    They just can’t admit they’re wrong because it would unravel their whole structure of how they operate. They would be lost and forever stuck in cognizant dissonance.

    Weird how Mr Inheritance won’t give up the money he gets from his capitalist pig drug selling (Large beer distributor in Texas) father. That’s actually how he described him for the first time to me.

    Posing as virtuous, but not putting his money where his mouth is. Actually, none of them are involved in any charity work.

  22. Dear Lord, we ask Your mercy and Your healing on Rick, whos true name and situation is known to You, to grant him comfort and peace with the Blessed Assurance that his sister now rests in Your arms and that they may be reunited by and by, and that also You guide the mind and hand of his oncologist as the Ultimate Physician, that You touch him with Your healing to completely remove this scourge from his body, restore his health, and make it go and stay GONE.

    “He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.”
    Psalms 107:20 –

    We stand with Rick upon Your Word and in faith of Your mercy that he may have full and complete healing.

    We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

    God Bless,


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