Gender Unicorn Has a Cousin – IOTW Report

Gender Unicorn Has a Cousin

The Free Beacon wrote about a children’s cartoon that is being distributed so that the kids may fully express their gender identititties.


illustr8r is distributing a man child’s cartoon so that NeverTrump can fully express their feelings with crayons and then hang it on the refrigerator for all the world to see.



16 Comments on Gender Unicorn Has a Cousin

  1. Who knows? Mark Levin finally got a grip. Maybe there might be hope. Maybe they’ll realize that every time they hear Hilliroid speak they are losing IQ points.

    BTW RIP Jon McGlaughlin 89. I may have some rubber bricks for sale that I used to throw at Elenore Clift every time she opened that wind tunnel on her shoulders.

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