Georgia Fails To Produce Chain Of Custody For 404,000 Absentee Ballots Months After Contested Election – IOTW Report

Georgia Fails To Produce Chain Of Custody For 404,000 Absentee Ballots Months After Contested Election

Geller Report:

Further proof of the massive, blatant fraud and theft of the 2020 election. Clearly, the corrupt Gov. Kemp believes this system of theft will serve him in the next election.

HUGE: Georgia Fails To Produce Chain Of Custody For 404,000 Absentee Ballots Months After Contested Election.

14 Comments on Georgia Fails To Produce Chain Of Custody For 404,000 Absentee Ballots Months After Contested Election

  1. There was no chain of custody in Georgia. It was a free for all with suitcases pf ready democrat ballots in place before the counting even began. I doubt they will tell us who had “Custody” in that chain.

  2. America doesn’t have a working department of justice so what does it matter, the only people there are just collecting paychecks and working for the democrats during election issues.

  3. Justin Case
    MARCH 9, 2021 AT 8:17 PM
    “When do we get to hang that commie bastard john roberts?”

    …when what the Democrats CLAIM happened on January 6th ACTUALLY happens IRL…

  4. One Secretary of State and a few County Clerks or Board of Elections types need some jail time. For fraud at the very least as they have proven themselves to be non-essential, yet drew paychecks.

  5. HR1 will save us from all this unnecessary frustration and anxiety.

    Its moniker – “For the People” – is not an irony. And 2+2=5.

    Anyway “chain of custody” is redolent of slavery and must be cancelled.

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