Germany: Palestinian Migrant Who Attacked Hamburg Shoppers Wanted to Kill Christians – IOTW Report

Germany: Palestinian Migrant Who Attacked Hamburg Shoppers Wanted to Kill Christians

Breitbart; German federal prosecutors now believe that Hamburg supermarket attacker Ahmad A. was motivated by religious hatred to kill German Christians, but have refused to charge him with terrorism.

The 26-year-old failed Palestinian asylum seeker will be charged with the murder of a 50-year-old man and six more counts of attempted murder. Prosecutors say that he was upset about the treatment of Muslims, claimed they were being oppressed around the world, and decided to take action against any Christians he could, find Die Welt reports.

The Hamburg supermarket attack occurred in late July and initially many believed it to be an act of terror after witnesses reported hearing a man shouting “Allahu Akbar!”

Prosecutors say that the Palestinian was particularly aggrieved by the growing tensions between Israelis and Palestinians on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

“He found the access restrictions to the Al-Aqsa mosque unfair and unbearable,” the prosecutor’s office said, adding: “Therefore, German citizens of the Christian faith should die as an atonement.”  read more

4 Comments on Germany: Palestinian Migrant Who Attacked Hamburg Shoppers Wanted to Kill Christians

  1. Germans: Be politically correct at your own peril. Burying your head in the sands of regret for past sins will only doom your country to being overrun by the peril you’ve always feared. THEY are here deal with them NOW if you can otherwise consider immigrating to Canada (they’re socialists like you).

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