Get Your Blood Pressure Meds – Zuckerberg Bans Jamie Glasov For One Week For Reporting a Threat of Violence Against Him By a Muslim – IOTW Report

Get Your Blood Pressure Meds – Zuckerberg Bans Jamie Glasov For One Week For Reporting a Threat of Violence Against Him By a Muslim

Saw this on my Twitter feed. I follow Glazov and vise versa.

I was going to slow roll everyone into this story for maximum outrage, you know, with the punch line at the end that is designed to make you go WTF?

But this isn’t entertainment. This is serious stuff, and we have to think of a way to end this bull$hit.

Jamie Glazov is an editor at FrontPage Magazine. He posted some links to stories about the persecution of women and young girls under Sharia law on Facebook.

Enter Muhammad Irfan Ayoub.

This guy took offense and at some point in their exchange he said that Glasov should convert to Islam, said that Islam is not a religion of peace for anyone but Muslims (everyone else will experience no peace), and that Glasov was going to get a punch in the mouth.

Glasov drew Facebook into the exchange and asked Zuckerberg if this is what he meant by someone being “Unsafe to the Community.”

How did Facebook respond? Like a bitch.

The next day, on Sunday, April 15, 2018, Facebook notified Jamie that he was now being punished with a seven day ban for the post he made asking Mr. Zuckerberg about whether or not Ayoub’s threat is unsafe to the FB community.

Read the rest HERE.

17 Comments on Get Your Blood Pressure Meds – Zuckerberg Bans Jamie Glasov For One Week For Reporting a Threat of Violence Against Him By a Muslim

  1. People have got to get off of Facebook. There has to be an alternative means to connect with like minded people without the risk of being removed once a group of like minded people have formed.

    The arbitrary nature of these suspensions and removals should be a warning to all uses that they could be next for no good reason other than Facebook doesn’t agree with you.

  2. I just read something about the Gun collective starting a new place to host Gun Videos. It looked pretty legit. They should venture into a conservative FB. It looks like they have some money behind them. I’ll link it if I can find them again.

  3. Some mohammed jumped in on a post by Air Power , (Air Power

    is a page that shows Military Aircraft from every Nation dating

    back to the Birth of Aviation)

    This particular post was about the Raid on Libya by USAF

    F-111’s in 86.

    He ranted about American Imperialism and the usual BS

    I said “mohammed…relax and have some Bacon ” (I left off the

    BFH “pet a Dog and draw mohammed)

    I thought that would get Me booted from the Page…Still on.

  4. I’m a self confessed misanthropic curmudgeon.
    Facebook gives me a rash.
    The natural allergic reaction had by an intelligent, thinking person when confronted by a world of tribalized, reactionary proto-humans. A condition characterized by a need for solitude, and skepticism about the nobility of one’s fellows. Hatred and mistrust of man (and woman) kind. The state of being misanthropic.

  5. I known Mr Zuckerburger (as Ted Cruz woukd say) has heavy CIA, FBI, and CNN Agents guarding him and it is nearly impossible to get near him, especially now that he built a huge wall around his plantation manse. But if a follower or friend of that whacko muslime broad that shot up Youboob HQ could get close enough to him, maybe they could make it happen. Zukerburger is another mutation of Soros.

  6. What? The religion of peace is not the religion of peace to non-mu-slims? Now they tell me. I’ve been telling others it is since January.

    Ooops, my bad (first time I’ve ever used that expression).


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