Giving this performer the noteriety she deserves – IOTW Report

Giving this performer the noteriety she deserves

Valerie Sassyfras – Woman Performs at Children’s Event.

This is the left in a NUTshell.

Woman performs a highly inappropriate routine and no one says anything,

AND she proudly uploads it to her youtube channel.


The lyrics to “her song” seem to be “girls night out, I’m horny and I’m lazy.”

That’s what I’m hearing. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Doesn’t matter, though. Her “choreography” is the star of the Children’s Event.

ht/ petrus

35 Comments on Giving this performer the noteriety she deserves

  1. In the wake of the Parkland shooting, while having one of those “what is wrong with people and culture now that is different from when we were young” discussions with family, I made the point that there are no longer any boundaries and there is no longer any shame.

    This is a perfect example.

  2. Some of the yt comments were laugh out loud funny.

    She’s “A New Orleans based, one of a kind One-Woman Band!” NOLA needs some export legislation. She’s not a good representative.

  3. @Groucho

    BFH is deserving of punishment for bringing this creature to our attention, and I briefly pondered ordering that DVD and sending it to him.

    But nobody is deserving of that much punishment, not even Fur (you bastard!) and the divine performer will not see my precious $9.99.

  4. I come in here daily- I read the comments-laugh at most-agree with some and am disgusted with the language of a few. BUT I never click and open any browser. I don’t need that extra stress in my life. So you folks deal with it and ill see what you have to say and then ill laugh or cry or be further disgusted— see ya—im just pass’n thru anyway. 🙂

  5. She’d be perfect for a court-ordered, mandatory Sunday afternoon performance on the front yard of the elderly grass-less couple. It makes perfect prog sense! ….Lady in Red

  6. It’s probably a darn good thing I was born when I was. If I had children today I’d probably be in jail. I would have beat someone to an inch of their life if they had played a song like that in front of my kids, much less the nasty movements by a nasty old woman who can’t dance.

  7. I often say that the socalled dancers on various fictional programs can’t really dance. That they are just girls wiggling around. But that creature can’t do anything. Not appealing in any way to anyone I bet. I agree with those who said something bad would have happened if anyone sang those lyrics to my kids…

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