Glitchy Mitch McConnell Threatens GOP Senators – IOTW Report

Glitchy Mitch McConnell Threatens GOP Senators

GP: In a recent private meeting, Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell issued a stern warning to Republican senators against supporting a new bill from Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO), or they will face an “incoming” from the “center-right” if they supported Hawley’s bill, according to CNN.

On Tuesday, Sen. Hawley introduced a new legislation titled the Ending Corporate Influence on Elections Act. This bill aims to “get corporate money out of American politics and dramatically cut back on publicly traded corporations’ ability to influence elections.”

The legislation serves as a countermeasure to the 2010 Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, seeking to reverse its implications.

In Citizens United v. FEC, the Supreme Court ruled that the government cannot restrict independent expenditures for political campaigns by corporations. The decision was made on January 21, 2010. more here

15 Comments on Glitchy Mitch McConnell Threatens GOP Senators

  1. The ONLY WAY to eliminate folks purchasing the POWER AND VIOLENCE of government is to either get rid of government (best solution) or eliminate 95+% of its power, especially the power to pick winners and losers, control and manipulate the money supply, STEAL trillions from taxpayers to hand out to friends, regulate and micromanage virtually every aspect of the economy, tell everyone how to live, how to raise their children, how the medical system works, etc. Sorry, unless government is NO LONGER WORTH PURCHASING, it will be purchased. But sadly far too many, including MOST on the “right” love all this power too as they try and create their own version of “heaven on earth” with the law.

  2. love the idea of taking the money out of politics. most of our poor leadership would definitely bow out with no financial gain. maybe we get some representation with integrity and first order will be a corporate tax to pay down the debt. or better get some border security and a posse to collect the foreign liabilities as the law is written, return to sender. cannot afford to fund the u.n. and its laws of ant-semitic hypocrisy. if this is where we are headed, should have let hitler run the gamut with a lot less dead people and suffering of ww2. jihadis gone. jews gone. mental and physical disabilities gone. gays gone. where is all the good we have been fighting for?

  3. MrLiberty – very succinctly stated. However, I’m now thoroughly convinced that the human race is not ready for self-governance. Nor has any other form of ‘governance’ ever worked.

    But maybe we’ll achieve it in the next 12,000-year cycle. Hope springs eternal.

  4. Has been a “dyed in the wool” lefty “Bush Republican” for decades! Why do you think he “moved Heaven and earth” to make GWB’s boy Garland A.G? !?@?#$%^&*!?

    Will die a “Bush Republican”!Elm Rusbo said in ’98 “Bush Republicans are DEMOCRATS!”! I would sayTRITORS!


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