“Go home to mommy” – Protests turn violent outside Trump rally in NM – IOTW Report

“Go home to mommy” – Protests turn violent outside Trump rally in NM

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Protests outside a Donald Trump rally in New Mexico turned violent Tuesday night as demonstrators threw burning T-shirts, plastic bottles and other items at police officers, overturned trash cans and knocked down barricades.

trump NM

Authorities responded by firing pepper spray and smoke grenades into the crowd outside the Albuquerque Convention Center in what police later called a “riot.”

During the rally, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee was interrupted repeatedly by protesters, who shouted, held up banners and resisted removal by security officers.

The banners included the messages “Trump is Fascist” and “We’ve heard enough.”

At one point, a female protester was physically dragged from the stands by security. Other protesters scuffled with security as they resisted removal from the convention center, which was packed with thousands of loud and cheering Trump supporters.


25 Comments on “Go home to mommy” – Protests turn violent outside Trump rally in NM

  1. Oh, the irony.

    The protesters seek to stifle free speech and assembly. The protesters attack Trump supporters up to and including the use of physical violence. The protesters set fires, damage public property, attack police officers, and disrupt public commerce.

    Then the protesters hold up banners that read “STOP THE HATE.”

    I agree. I really wish the protesters would stop the hate.

  2. That’s it, boys and girls. Show us on live TV and in the media what you Hillary and Bernie supporters are like. Your actions speak way louder than your poster boards.

  3. this is anarchy- why not just shot a couple of them and the remainder will run home. I am so tired of the stuff I see on here- on jihad watch and Pamela Gellar’s site. They want to fight then lets give them a fight. I don’t own a gun but I have a bat that swings left… have a good day. 🙂

  4. Paint ball gun with extra high pressure air tanks, and loads of bright fluorescent paint balls.
    Go forth, and have fun! Won’t kill the haters, but it WILL make the go “OUCH” and stop/drop whatever they’re doing.

  5. I’m hearing they also broke the leg on a Police Horse( there’s a photo going around on FB) There was a video of them trying to light a Trump banner on fire….I say We start making these banners out of 1960’s Children’s Halloween Costumes


  6. Trump was in Anaheim, CA today (May 25), and the illegal alien invaders showed up, with their Mexican Flags, La Raza (Mexican KKK) shirts, and Plan of San Diego (pro-white genocide) signs – and called Trump a fascist.

    There must not be a word for irony in Spanish.

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