Go Poll Yourselves Democrats – IOTW Report

Go Poll Yourselves Democrats

Apparently I’m not the only one tired of the talking heads on TV blaring on endlessly about the latest polling data, like its actually reliable. It isn’t.  They are ignoring the evidence on the ground and in the primaries causing them to way over sample Democrats (unless they’re expecting a huge turnout of the dead, illegals and felon vote this year).

Gateway Pundit attempted to correct for the bias and found what we all know is going to happen on voting day; a landslide victory for Trump.


13 Comments on Go Poll Yourselves Democrats

  1. i sure hope the analysis is correct, and i don’t trust the polls at all

    but, i am curious as to how confident we are that trump will beat hillary as the zombies seem to march along unchanged by the scandals, lies, wikileaks, clinton foundation

    perhaps the lack of enthusiasm will sink her

    pray like you’ve never prayed before, everything we have fought and died for during the last 240 years is in danger of being flushed down the toilet for the new society of takers

  2. I can’t help but wonder if all this crowing about how Hillary’s already won this is going to bite them on the ass.

    Knowing that most people who plan to vote for Hillary aren’t especially excited about it, it wouldn’t surprise me if they decide not to bother since they think she’s won already.

    Meanwhile, on our side, people are so damn fired up to vote and so determined to keep Hillary out of the White House, we’ll be flooding to the polls.

  3. The latest gaslight is that independents have started to break for Hillary and it’s over. If you see that canard anywhere, don’t fall for it. Look at the internals of any poll which backs this claim.

  4. The polls will tighten next month. They have to start telling something closer to the truth then or their polls will be laughing stocks. They will make up some excuse why Trump closed the gap late.

  5. Why would anyone believe the polls run by the MSM? I don’t understand.

    By now, judging from the unmasked hyper-bias of media, including FOX, and the heap of garbage being fire-hosed at SUPER TRUMP, why would anyone not see the blatant bias?

    The Hillary campaign metaphor of the day: one of her campaign buses dumping raw sewage ON A PUBLIC STREET, IN DAYLIGHT, without an ounce of compunction, fear, and fully displaying its elitist, ‘We don’t care about any stinking laws or the health of a community outside of our own privileged gated one!’

    Sorry my buttocks! That charter bus driver knew fully well, that it was ILLEGAL (a word the liberals hate).

  6. Polls sample “likely voters”, in the last two elections the Prog vote was overwhelming because, well, the candidates put forward by the GOPe were uninspired and uninspiring.
    The result is many voters who stayed home will vote this time.
    I always lie to the polls, I lie better than Hillary because I recall them.

  7. Hilary is acting like a black dude in a fight, dancing and joking with his friends. He’s full of fakes and ‘its already over’ bluster.
    This occurs before the knockout where his friends step in ’cause he had enuff, dog’

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