Goblins Force Officers to Abandon Their Station – IOTW Report

Goblins Force Officers to Abandon Their Station

The Zimbabwean

Ward 2 Councillor, Mabed Ngulani, confirmed the unusual situation. “We built a police station for the officers, and initially, they patrolled in pairs,” Ngulani explained. “However, they haven’t been able to stay for extended periods.”

According to Cllr Ngulani, the male officers reported being terrorised by female goblins at night. “They described being harassed – bodies being violated, doors opening on their own, and things climbing on the roof – making it impossible to sleep,” he said.

A meeting was held last week with village heads and police officials from Plumtree. “The police from Plumtree withdrew the officers from Gwambe, stating they wouldn’t endanger them further,” Cllr Ngulani said. More

Goblin attacks seem to occur sporadically in Zimbabwe, primarily targeting school children Here Here and Here

15 Comments on Goblins Force Officers to Abandon Their Station

  1. “Police stations are for napping?”

    Like every other gov’t employee station on Earth.

    Where you been the last 500 years (or since the rise of the bureaucracy)?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Well, I do know angels and demons exist in this world, being a Christian and all.

    About a decade ago I had an encounter with something evil when I was trying to get to sleep on a vacation. It almost took over my mind. Scary shit.

  3. Underachieving African goblins. The ones over here forced millions of people out of jobs and into lockdowns and tormented them with deadly poison. And the sick thing is that we can see the goblins hete, but we can’t get rid of them.

  4. We are living in the end times, our judgement is rapidly approaching for our nations turning from the Lord God Almighty and embracing Satan.

    The current level of demonic activity is ramping up exponentially.

    Lucifer walks freely among us claiming millions of lost souls.

    Repent, reconcile, and rever our Lord Jesus Christ who redeems all.

    I love and pray for all IOTW critters.


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