Good News And Bad News About Gas Shortages – IOTW Report

Good News And Bad News About Gas Shortages

The Good News- the Colonial Pipeline initiated start up procedures last night. Here

The Bad News, expect gas scarcity to continue to Memorial Day. Here

16 Comments on Good News And Bad News About Gas Shortages

  1. I call Bull Shit on this. There is something else going on. Atlanta is supposed to keep at least a 21 day supply at it’s fuel farms. There is no way that a 3 week supply was delivered to fuel stations in 5 days. There is not enough fuel trucks and drivers to increase capacity of the delivery trucks past 120% of normal deliveries due to CDL max hours laws. The numbers do not add up.

  2. From the four days to the two weeks the pipeline was down we saved two thousand four hundred billion, trillion in carbon emissions and an estimated forty million and seventeen hundred thousand dollars.
    That’s money we saved that goes to pay for the New green deal man!

  3. The ASSHOLES were behaving when Trump was Sitting at the desk. Mind you, he never really sat that long, he was always awake and working.

  4. Pierre Turdeau created fuel problems in Canada.
    Justine Turdeau decades latter cancelled pipelines(Except for 2)
    Carter’s Weakness and bad policies led to the fuel crisis & Mideast instability.
    Biden decades latter, has bested the first 3 ASSHOLES in less than 100 days.
    Much More Efficient!


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