Google Helping Hillary Out in Search Engine Terms and Rankings – IOTW Report

Google Helping Hillary Out in Search Engine Terms and Rankings

This is infuriating.

Source fed did their research and it’s highly improbable that Google isn’t blatantly helping Hillary out.

Using autofill, type in Hillary Clinton Cri… on Google and it returns Hillary Clinton Crime Reform. Crimes or criminal is nowhere to be found, like on every other search engine, like Bing and Yahoo.

Using autofill, type in Hillary Clinton Ind… on Google and it returns *Hillary Clinton Indiana. Does Google expect anyone to believe more people are searching Hillary Clinton Indiana than they are Hillary Clinton Indictments?

See the video HERE.

*Google has allowed Hillary Clinton Indictments on their autofill to rise to the top level since the making of the video.


19 Comments on Google Helping Hillary Out in Search Engine Terms and Rankings

  1. This ought not to be coming as a surprise. Most of the San Jose tech wizzo’s are asshole wannabe lefty’s who, if it weren’t for a good idea at the right time, would be writing code for someone else or playing bad guitar in some Seattle coffee shop for tips. Let’s also not forget those nasty little trolls that made a fortune on some sort of crap software by taking it public then cashing out and watching reality flush all that shareholder money down the toilet and yet seem to continue to rave against the capitalist system. These are the guys that howl if someone questions their stock options or perks but donate huge sums (or in this case info tech) to a crowd that will save eating them for last.

  2. Just to make sure, I just went onto Duck Duck Go and typed in “Hillary”

    Immediately, the Top Four in order were….
    Hillary Clinton
    Hillary Clinton Email Scandal
    Hillary Clinton Indictment


  3. Everybody here should run these searches with the correct spelling, they’ll eventually rise up. I could be wrong, it may not be google, but instead her own marketing team. It’s the same thing that companies do to promote their organization in online searches, it costs a fair bit of money. But hey, what are a few speeches worth?

  4. What people search for more is typically tied to the number of articles/mentions on the topic. If 1 million people searched for “Why does my dog only eat rabbits and not squirrels?” but there weren’t any articles to address the topic, you would never get the “Why does my dog..” ..”only eat rabbits and not squirrels” auto completion since there is no content to address it. In Hillary’s case however, the content exists on the topics, so the auto complete should work regardless of the number of searches; that is IF the articles were indexed.

  5. no surprise, this was apparent all the way back in the Bush-Kerrey ’04 campaign.
    As others have noted, using DuckDuckGo or StartPage is smart. A new development, conspicuous by it’s absence from the “news” is the Brave browser, at Some of the brains behind it is Brendan Eich who was driven from Mozilla (he helped found) by the leftie shriekers. Google and Facebook are Big Brother. Brave is an independent alternative system–it looks like the lamestream media is trying to kill it in the crib.

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