GOP St. Patrick’s Day Tweet Has Left Seeing Red – IOTW Report

GOP St. Patrick’s Day Tweet Has Left Seeing Red

The GOP did a nice job on Twitter today reminding everyone that Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke is known for perhaps “celebrating” his Irish heritage a little too much before getting behind the wheel of a car.

The leftist trolls have been dashing themselves against their screens the last few hours in OUTRAGE, with Dan Bongino chasing a particularly nasty progressive right off the thread.  Here 


9 Comments on GOP St. Patrick’s Day Tweet Has Left Seeing Red

  1. Iz he Irish?
    Iz he American?
    Iz he Mexican?
    Iz he a Texan?
    He’s a democRAT Chameleon who will be whutever you want him to be!
    Kinda like Cory Booker, only he’s a chameleon cuz he can look at two things at the same time!


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