Gorka: ‘U.S. Is a Judeo-Christian Nation But That’s not a Contract for National Suicide!’ – IOTW Report

Gorka: ‘U.S. Is a Judeo-Christian Nation But That’s not a Contract for National Suicide!’

Breitbart News National Security Editor Dr. Sebastian Gorka, author of the best-selling book Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War, joined former UKIP leader Nigel Farage on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program to talk about how President-elect Donald Trump should address terrorism and the refugee crisis.

Hannity noted that the heads of intelligence and law-enforcement agencies in both the U.S. and Europe have warned about the danger of terrorist militants infiltrating the refugee tide. Farage called Europe’s approach to the refugee crisis “disastrous.”

“Of course, Angela Merkel took the very opposite policy position to the one that President-elect Trump is taking,” Farage noted. “She said, if you remember last year, ‘Please all come! We can take as many people as you can send.’”


10 Comments on Gorka: ‘U.S. Is a Judeo-Christian Nation But That’s not a Contract for National Suicide!’

  1. I watched this interview last night and man-oh-man! Fav quotes from Farage: “And I think after Brexit, and now Trump winning – and I was talking to him on Saturday – I now hope it’s gonna spread like an infectious disease across the whole of the Western world.” (Reagan/Thatcher redux times 10, with a much larger global/cultural reset.)

    “I found the President-elect to be reflective, thoughtful, full of great ideas,” he reported. “I was very honored to be given that time with him. But I really, genuinely believe he’s got the makings of being a great president.” (That’s what I think, too.)

    (I listen to Dobbs and Hannity just about every night on my tablet. They are posted to YT just about 15 mins. into the live shows.)

  2. Our imbecile president was just on TV praising Angela Merkin and then pivoted back to himself: I, ME, MYSELF, and bragging how he committed the US to accepting even more “refugees”, and hopes the new admin. will continue his idiotic policies. He is the jackass who created all these refugees who are destroying western europe. Geeze what an arrogant asshole. Jan 20 can’t get here fast enough.

  3. One question I ask myself now is this: Knowing what we know now of Obarko, and if he had never run for President before, could he honestly have beaten Trump, without cheating, stuffing ballot boxes, voting illegal aliens and dead people? I think we know the answer. Too bad he won’t look in the mirror and ask himself that hard question. Narcissistic twits like Barky never will, nor give an honest answer. Such a deeply flawed psyche that twit has.

  4. In this country, it is unconstitutional for the government to establish any religion. Our nation is founded on a system of laws which, while largely founded on Judeo-Christian moral principles, is designed to be non-secular.

    If someone wants to immigrate to the United States, they must agree to follow our laws. What religion they practice, if any, is up to them, but following United States laws is not negotiable. In Islam, using force to convert non-believers is part of that religion, but it is absolutely not permitted here. Similarly, treating women as second or no class citizens is not permitted in this country under our laws.

    This is not a difficult concept. When it comes to Muslim immigration, we have a duty to try to keep out those Muslims who do not want to abide by our system of laws and seek to use force to impose Islam through terrorism or other means. The fact that a nation needs these immigrants as part of their labor pool is immaterial; common sense dictates that you try to keep out immigrants who wish to destroy your society.

  5. can you really be a muslim and an American at the same time?

    seems they are incompatible.

    the USA a Christian nation? most definitely.
    tell me how things have become so much better since we started kicking the Christian God out of the public realm?

    perverts in the womens rooms?, bakers being shut down over perverts hurt feelings?, teachers practicing pedophila in our schools?, unbridled illegal immigration?, taxpayers bailing out banks?, cops being ambushed in the streets?.

    all since we stopped saying merry Christmas and started saying happy holiday.

  6. Were going to suffer 66 more days of O’Jackass bragging about how great he’s been, and the wishful thinking that Trump is part Hilldog, and will soon see the wisdom of continuing his failed policies.

    And O’Jaxkass is putting on a sprint-marathon to pile on as many new regulations as possible before he’s forced out. A record setting pace.

    http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/obama-sets-new-record-for-regulations-527-pages-in-just-one-day/article/2607677 .

    I guess he’s taking his pen & phone with him, and he thinks Trump doesn’t have his own. And in addition, the Oval Office will be getting disinfected ( as many predicted would be needed) over the next year according to an FNC report, and Trump will have to send O-Jackass’ legacy into the round file from a different office. O’Jackass seems to think Trump has to be in the Oval Office to toss his legacy into the dust bin. He must think they’re like Salmon that must swim back to their place of birth to die.

    I hate wishing the upcoming Holidays were already over. But I’ll be pleased to see O’Jackass and his band gone.

  7. Wyatt — Yes, thank God for separation of church and state. Not trying to be funny, either. Probably the best argument, though, for the Christian founding of America is the one made inadvertently by C.S. Lewis in his book, Mere Christianity, when he argues that when we — particularly atheists — attempt to talk about good/bad, right/wrong, etc., we can’t do it without having to ask from where the concept of “good” springs in the first place.

    Have you seen Cameron’s documentary “Monumental”?

  8. In the vein of this thread is the essay/speech from the latest issue of Hillsdale College’ Imprimus: “Who Are We As a People — the Syrian Refugee Question”

    Thinking about the “commitment” to “diversity”, Edward Erler writes: “..this train of thought (is) insane. But what other explanation…so many political leaders on risking national security…willingness to commit national suicide. …show no such enthusiasm for admitting Christian refugees from Middle East violence…”



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