Grave Concerns in Detroit – Literally – People Are Not Buried Where They Should Be – IOTW Report

Grave Concerns in Detroit – Literally – People Are Not Buried Where They Should Be


 Family members were devastated after discovering that their loved ones’ remains may have been buried in the wrong place in a Detroit cemetery. Gethsemane Cemetery started exhuming 20 bodies Monday in a process expected to be completed Wednesday, the Detroit News reports. It’s not clear how many of those may have been mixed up, but the police department is working with the city to make sure families get answers. The investigation started earlier this year when relatives complained that a teenager was not buried in the gravesite they had purchased, ClickOnDetroit reports.

The family could not locate their deceased relative, the Detroit Free Press reports, and requested his body be exhumed. They ultimately discovered four bodies were buried at his gravesite, none of them his. From there, the city set up a hotline for other concerned families, and out of 52 credible complaints, authorities deemed the 20 in question to be worthy of further investigation—meaning their remains will be dug up. The cemetery is not commenting on the matter publicly.

19 Comments on Grave Concerns in Detroit – Literally – People Are Not Buried Where They Should Be

  1. Don’t worry about where the dead physical body is,worry about where the spirit has gone.🤗welcome thou good and faithful servant or 😥😣 depart from me for I never knew you.

  2. I hope they don’t forget to notify the registrar of voters of their change of address once they’re re-interred there at the cemetary.

    They told the registrar, “You’re going to have to recheck your records.”

    (My two spelling pet peeves)

  3. “A fish rots from the head.”

    When the Usurper, Vice Usurper, House, Senate, and most State Governors are criminals, you have to expect most others to follow the ample examples.

    There’s a saying (among the spics … er … mexicans … whatever, I think) that if a president steals, his ministers will kill.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. …it’s been going on so long, Shakespeare wrote about it…

    “Second Clown
    ‘Who builds stronger than a mason, a shipwright, or
    a carpenter?’
    First Clown
    Ay, tell me that, and unyoke.
    Second Clown
    Marry, now I can tell.
    First Clown
    Second Clown
    Mass, I cannot tell.
    Enter HAMLET and HORATIO, at a distance

    First Clown
    Cudgel thy brains no more about it, for your dull
    ass will not mend his pace with beating; and, when
    you are asked this question next, say ‘a
    grave-maker: ‘the houses that he makes last till
    doomsday. Go, get thee to Yaughan: fetch me a
    stoup of liquor.
    Exit Second Clown

    He digs and sings

    In youth, when I did love, did love,
    Methought it was very sweet,
    To contract, O, the time, for, ah, my behove,
    O, methought, there was nothing meet.
    Has this fellow no feeling of his business, that he
    sings at grave-making?
    Custom hath made it in him a property of easiness.
    ‘Tis e’en so: the hand of little employment hath
    the daintier sense.
    First Clown
    But age, with his stealing steps,
    Hath claw’d me in his clutch,
    And hath shipped me intil the land,
    As if I had never been such.
    Throws up a skull

    That skull had a tongue in it, and could sing once:
    how the knave jowls it to the ground, as if it were
    Cain’s jaw-bone, that did the first murder! It
    might be the pate of a politician, which this ass
    now o’er-reaches; one that would circumvent God,
    might it not?
    It might, my lord.
    Or of a courtier; which could say ‘Good morrow,
    sweet lord! How dost thou, good lord?’ This might
    be my lord such-a-one, that praised my lord
    such-a-one’s horse, when he meant to beg it; might it not?
    Ay, my lord.
    Why, e’en so: and now my Lady Worm’s; chapless, and
    knocked about the mazzard with a sexton’s spade:
    here’s fine revolution, an we had the trick to
    see’t. Did these bones cost no more the breeding,
    but to play at loggats with ’em? mine ache to think on’t.
    First Clown
    A pick-axe, and a spade, a spade,
    For and a shrouding sheet:
    O, a pit of clay for to be made
    For such a guest is meet.
    Throws up another skull

    There’s another: why may not that be the skull of a
    lawyer? Where be his quiddities now, his quillets,
    his cases, his tenures, and his tricks? why does he
    suffer this rude knave now to knock him about the
    sconce with a dirty shovel, and will not tell him of
    his action of battery? Hum! This fellow might be
    in’s time a great buyer of land, with his statutes,
    his recognizances, his fines, his double vouchers,
    his recoveries: is this the fine of his fines, and
    the recovery of his recoveries, to have his fine
    pate full of fine dirt? will his vouchers vouch him
    no more of his purchases, and double ones too, than
    the length and breadth of a pair of indentures? The
    very conveyances of his lands will hardly lie in
    this box; and must the inheritor himself have no more, ha?
    Not a jot more, my lord.
    Is not parchment made of sheepskins?
    Ay, my lord, and of calf-skins too.
    They are sheep and calves which seek out assurance
    in that. I will speak to this fellow. Whose
    grave’s this, sirrah?
    First Clown
    Mine, sir.

    O, a pit of clay for to be made
    For such a guest is meet.
    I think it be thine, indeed; for thou liest in’t.
    First Clown
    You lie out on’t, sir, and therefore it is not
    yours: for my part, I do not lie in’t, and yet it is mine.
    ‘Thou dost lie in’t, to be in’t and say it is thine:
    ’tis for the dead, not for the quick; therefore thou liest.
    First Clown
    ‘Tis a quick lie, sir; ’twill away gain, from me to
    What man dost thou dig it for?
    First Clown
    For no man, sir.
    What woman, then?
    First Clown
    For none, neither.
    Who is to be buried in’t?
    First Clown
    One that was a woman, sir; but, rest her soul, she’s dead.”
    -“Hamlet”, Act 5, Scene 1

  5. “I was there when the ones close to me were buried. No switcheroo on the way to the cemetery either.”

    Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing. I mean, theoretically I can see extra bodies being added when no one is there but aren’t most people at the gravesite when their loved ones are buried?

    What am I missing?

  6. @ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS

    Thanketh to thee for that bonetickle, my lord. P’raps thou hath kindled in’t me onc’d a mere flame to a squire’s bonfire for wordthings such as thou hath here given.

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