Green Activist Tied To Top Dems Can’t Account For Millions Given To Her Bail Fund – IOTW Report

Green Activist Tied To Top Dems Can’t Account For Millions Given To Her Bail Fund

WFB: A prominent green activist with ties to top Democrats is dodging questions about her alleged mismanagement of a bail fund that cannot account for millions of dollars in contributions.

Tara Houska is the founding president of the Freshet Collective, which she established in Minnesota in 2016 to provide legal assistance for demonstrators arrested at the Dakota Access Pipeline protests. Houska, a lawyer, is a mainstay of Native American and environmental activism who advised Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I., Vt.) 2016 presidential campaign. She is slated to appear at a political event Saturday morning with members of the House’s so-called Squad.

Freshet’s financial situation is dodgy. The sole federal tax filing available from the group indicates that just a fraction of its assets were put toward its mission in its first year of operations. Five years past its founding, it has yet to register and submit audited financial statements to Minnesota authorities, which is required by state law. Indeed, it is not even clear that Freshet is still operational, making questions about its fiscal housekeeping all the more urgent. One-time collaborators have accused the group of dishonest dealing.

“These guys are dirty. They’re raising millions of dollars, but they’re not representing the people,” said Duke Gomez-Schempp, a radio host and activist who assisted Freshet operations during the Dakota Access Pipeline protests. more

10 Comments on Green Activist Tied To Top Dems Can’t Account For Millions Given To Her Bail Fund

  1. A left wing lawyer, embezzles millions in donations from other leftists, which diverts that money from their leftist mission. Hmmm. I have mixed emotions. Is she a villain or a hero?


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