Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Postpones Speech After Flying to Wrong Ohio City – IOTW Report

Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Postpones Speech After Flying to Wrong Ohio City

Breitbart: Green Party candidate Jill Stein had to delay a speech at Capital University in Colombus, Ohio because she mistakenly flew into Cincinnati, Ohio. Senior reporter at the Columbus DispatchRandy Ludlow tweeted out a picture of about twenty people surrounding an empty podium waiting for Stein’s speech.

While Stein makes the nearly two-hour drive from Cincinnati to Colombus the organizers at least offered attendees free pizza.  MORE


15 Comments on Green Party Candidate Jill Stein Postpones Speech After Flying to Wrong Ohio City

  1. Wuz the pizza green?

    Where are we going?
    We’re going to C-Town.
    Izzat Cleveland, Columbus or Cincinnati?
    I dunno, pick one.
    Mmkay, pass me the bong when yer done with it…

    I’d be pretty embarrassed if I were running for President and there were only 20 people waiting for me in a major city!

  2. She’s fucking ditzy as they come. But bet your ass, I’m very kind to her at various leftie sites-every vote she gets from a disgruntled Bernie supporter is coming out of Hillary’s end.

  3. Oh, stop it. She’s still a more authentic and honorable candidate than Hitlery.

    She made a mistake, she admitted she made a mistake, and she compensated the victims for their inconvenience. That’s more than Cankles would ever do.

    Also: however ineptly, she WAS campaigning.

  4. Wow! I thought Johnson sounded like a retard … but, all seriousness aside, what’s the fukkin difference? Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland?
    All Ohio.
    All cesspools.
    One more lost retard ain’t gonna make much difference – maybe Obola and Clinton should wing in, too.

    izlamo delenda est …

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