Grenell: Democrats have ‘hoodwinked’ public into thinking Russia is more important issue than China – IOTW Report

Grenell: Democrats have ‘hoodwinked’ public into thinking Russia is more important issue than China

Both the United States and the international community have failed to recognize China as a “clear and present danger,” former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell told “Life, Liberty & Levin” in an interview airing Sunday.

“I think that we’re at an incredible crossroads, and in many ways we’ve missed it, and we’ve allowed China to go into the WTO [World Trade Organization],” Grenell told host Mark Levin.

“We decided to do that because we thought we’d try engagement, and I believe that engagement can work,” Grenell added, “but I think that you also have to benchmark it very quickly, maybe two or three years, to see if it does work.

“We’re now 20-plus years with China into the WTO. They’ve completely manipulated the process,” Grenell went on. “We also have allowed China to play us at the United Nations where they get a veto in the permanent membership of the Security Council … They’re getting money from the United Nations, from the rest of us, because they can’t always feed their people, but yet they are a superpower in the making.” more here

16 Comments on Grenell: Democrats have ‘hoodwinked’ public into thinking Russia is more important issue than China

  1. This is true. Russia needs us to be against China, to keep China off their backs. The very fact the left/democrat scum pushes anything is enough to one, know it’s not true, and two, not only is it not true but you should believe the opposite of what they say.

    America is in China’s pocket now. We lost our country. Our only hope, actually, is Russia. That’s why the left keeps hammering them. If Putin whacked a few key democrat politicans on our soil, I’d hand him a medal.

  2. How do you know the cyber attacks are from Chyna? Because demoncrats are blaming it on Russia, Russia, Russia.

    We’ve had the president tell us for years that China is the problem and no one reported on it instead calling him Russian agent orangemanbad.

    and now? Now we have a china plant set to take over our Republic. The same man who is at the center of the coverups, all the way back to Hillary’s stupid fucking emails.

    The FBI, DOJ, media, they all knew and no one did anything. They were happy to carry water for china. No one pays the price except for the citizens of our once great country, including democrats except they are happy to look the other way while it all burns down.

  3. I don’t know whether to believe Patrick Byrne or not, but if this is all true then POTUS needs to get rid of these people immediately. His biggest fault has been who he lets in his bubble and then not removing them. He would have been much better served and so would have we if he had went way outside DC and surrounded himself with Deplorables.

  4. ORWW, I agree, Trumps biggest problem is appointing career swampers to key positions. One thing in that article, Patrick Byrne claims to have not voted for Trump, like that is supposed to give him extra credibility.

  5. @ORWW –

    If I had $10 for every time I’ve bit my tongue and not commented about the lousy advisors our President has surrounded himself with, I’d be on a tropical vacation right now.

    Your Gateway Pundit article has me very concerned. A 4-1/2 hour meeting with people raising their voices? WTF?

  6. Trumps not stupid. And yes he’s getting really bad advise from his advisors. Is he smart enough to be setting Mutha Fuckers up? Let’s hope so. Lot’s of room at GITMO after the remodel.

  7. It’s because the Russians don’t own Hollywood, and most of our useless politicians like the Chi-coms. Start waterboarding a couple of traitors like Fartswell and Swinestine, get a list, and set up a giblet.

  8. Jimmy, I’m concerned over who raised their voices, if it was them shooting everything down and trying to get him to concede then they need to be escorted off WH grounds and never allowed back on.
    If it was Trump and Powell shouting them down then that is a good thing. I have said since election night this is a lot bigger than Trump, this is our country on the line and he needs to do whatever it takes to save the country.

  9. Democrats have ‘hoodwinked’ public into thinking Russia is more important issue than China

    Those of us who have been in touch with what’s going on have known this for years! Whenever democRATs point to something with the left hand, we already know to look at what the right hand is doing! Misdirection and deception are the two main constants with Rats and Miss Information is their go-to whore who’s been servicing the Shameless, Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media!


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