Gun Control? After Mar-a-Lago attack, maybe it’s time to talk about Bernie-supporter control – IOTW Report

Gun Control? After Mar-a-Lago attack, maybe it’s time to talk about Bernie-supporter control

American Thinker: By Monica Showalter

Strike two. Another apparent Bernie Sanders supporter has struck again in an act of violence against a Republican. According to

Hannah Roemhild, a Connecticut opera singer who posted negative things about President Donald Trump on Facebook, was named by authorities as the woman accused of breaching security checkpoints at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

One post on her Facebook page contained a sign reading “not my president” in reference to Trump. In 2016, she indicated support for Bernie Sanders on social media. She’s a registered Democrat, according to Connecticut records.

Roemhild drove a black SUV through two security checkpoints at Mar-a-Lago, leading to shots being fired by authorities protecting Trump’s Palm Beach property, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department.

That’s the story emerging as news comes out that the scary car-assault attack on Mar-a-Lago, President Trump’s Florida home, from a driver in an SUV who ran two checkpoints and barreled toward the president’s estate, using an automobile as a weapon.

It’s scarier still that the Secret Service did not manage to shoot the attacker dead in what had all the earmarks of an attempted assassination. Instead, they saw the assailant get away and even stop in traffic to pick up another person, until street-camera license plate readers enabled lawmen to catch up with the driver’s bullet-ridden SUV parked out front at an old motel and arrest her. Shooting sounds harsh, but note that all sorts of violent characters — Iranian terrorists, Antifa, etc. — are watching how this violent act went down and are taking notes. read more

22 Comments on Gun Control? After Mar-a-Lago attack, maybe it’s time to talk about Bernie-supporter control

  1. Red Flag laws are a bad idea because it will you who is flagged…An ethical and moral population could regulate itself but those days are long gone…so when a Red Flag Law is proposed we must be proactive and demand that it be restricted to Democrats, mental deficients , Socialists and commies…or nothing. Izlamo delenda est..

  2. Ban black SUVs!
    They are black, they burn fossil fuels, they have big wheels and they can rapidly drive through mud and snow. There are also many modifications that can be done to make them even more effective, like lift kits, mud tires and (worst of all) driving lights on the roof!

  3. America needs a dialogue about commonsense assault car control. Universal background checks are long overdue, as are one SUV per decade purchase limits. And who needs a gas tank that holds more than 10 gallons?


  4. I keep thinking about that “Trump Supporter” who mailed those fake bombs right before the 2018 midterms, and right after the Dems face-planted on Kavanaugh.. I could see the Hillaroids greasing the skids for this current whack-job, so they could pin it on Bernie. He must be decisively taken out as early as possible. Seems like both Bernie and Joe are getting lots of plants lately.

  5. @BB: they’re Communists and are welcoming a violent overthrow of the government.

    They are too stupid to realize they are in a tiny minority. They think if violence starts, the general population will join in and overthrow the rulers. Wrong, if violence starts they are going to get wiped off the face of the earth.

  6. Bad Brad, I think real violent ones and the one with guns are not those they’ve been getting too talk. The dumb idiots who only heard free stuff and revolution, not having a real clue what a revolution is, are the ones proudly sharing their plan that they heard from the violent ones waiting in the wings. One of them even said they hoped just the destruction of property would be enough for us to run and hide and then do as they say.
    My personal belief is they’re recruiting all of these dumb idiots and they’re attempting to train them and telling them the plan and those that squeamish they tell them it should never turn to actually killing someone. They’re too stupid to know we will fight back and their will be death, including some of the idiots who follow along like blind sheep and of course some of us because I know they have those who know how to fight.

  7. Old Racist White Woman

    I don’t disagree. And we will lose some people. Until “the silent majority” feels threatened enough to get off their collective asses. The reason we will suffer some deaths on our side is because people are not training. And they should be. My estimation of the skill level of our enemy is not good. Easily dealt with. But initially it’s going to get ugly in the Libtard strong holds. So if a reader here lives in one of those places, you owe it to your family to train up. And if your standing in one spot hurling lead down range, that’s not training.

  8. Bad Brad,
    I live in a red state, but I take notes of the open socialists(communists) and the idiots who are too stupid to realize they’re promoting socialism or voting for socialists, some in my own family and many in my county and state government.

  9. Brad. As A Hoosier in a solid red state…I agree with you.
    Civil War 2 will not really affect us. If that stupid bitch tried that here, her car would have been obliterated in a hailstorm of gunfire. She would be dead. And by all rights, she should be dead…period.


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