Guy tries to say driver opened fire on him during road rage- his own dashcam busts him – IOTW Report

Guy tries to say driver opened fire on him during road rage- his own dashcam busts him


Yesterday, new dashcam footage came to light from a road-rage incident on I-95 in Miami-Dade County last June. The footage completely contradicts the initial report from the Florida Highway Patrol. In the video, 30-year-old Eric Popper pulls a handgun from his center console and opens fire through his own car at another vehicle as it passes him. Thankfully, no one was injured in the incident. The footage was obtained by local talk show host Andy Slater and confirmed to be authentic by Robert Gershman, Popper’s lawyer. More

24 Comments on Guy tries to say driver opened fire on him during road rage- his own dashcam busts him

  1. The other driver DID shoot first. You can see when he comes around his arm is out the window and he shot the guys door cause you can hear it. Play it at slow motion.

  2. The other driver has his arm out the window, and you do hear a pop shortly before Genius starts shooting. Not quite as clear as it seems. Although the driver is passing everyone like crazy, driving like an idiot to begin with.

  3. Conversation with the PoPo went something like this.

    Sir, you you explain how you got all these bullet holes in your windshield?

    What? I can’t hear you. My ears are ringing.

    What a dumb ass. How many of those rounds hit other cars? Not only should both these idiots not own guns, they shouldn’t be running around loose.

  4. Anonymous ~~

    Better take a good look at your smart car. Lots of these cars have cameras facing you and recording to one of the thirty or so computer chips in your cars system. Just like the black box in an airplane. You get in an accident doing 100 mph and think your insurance company won’t find out. Think again. Your car recorded it.

    Same with that smart tv connected to the internet on your bedroom wall.

  5. “The FHP also initially stated an exchange of gunfire took place, probably due to the bullet holes in both cars, but the dashcam footage shows that damage to Popper’s vehicle was self-inflicted. The other driver claimed that he wasn’t armed and hurled a water bottle at Popper, which Florida Highway Support now supports.”

    …Which is exactly what that sound you hear before the idiot starts shooting up his own vehicle sounds like. This idiot should have the book thrown at him for acting so recklessly!

  6. Impulsive, childish behavior and misuse of firearms is typical of emotionally immature, mentally unstable liberal Democrats.

    P.S. – This is the last time this guy will ever have a cameral in his car.

  7. …Responding to Flannigan McGaffigan: “ This is the last time this guy will ever have a cameral in his car.”
    This should ALSO be the last time this ‘little boy’ is allowed to legally possess a firearm—assuming he had a permit in the first place!

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