Guy Who Knows A Lot About Losing Says Trump Is on a “Death March” – IOTW Report

Guy Who Knows A Lot About Losing Says Trump Is on a “Death March”

Because the former communications director for Jeb Bush is such an expert in campaign messaging, Tim Miller has penned an attack piece that is nothing but a belated attempt to make his own failure in politics less glaring.


He has a long string of defeats to pad his resume (I’ve checked each campaign on his LinkedIn page, not a winner in the bunch).

I’m going to be thinking of Tim Miller on November 8th as I pull the lever for Trump.


4 Comments on Guy Who Knows A Lot About Losing Says Trump Is on a “Death March”

  1. gaaaaaaaaak … it’s so annoying that practically every Bushie is in the tank for the ‘One World Oligarchy’. From Ed Rawlings to Karl Rove to Danna Perrino (gawd, I’d love to hump her Trump’s out, btw)

    Kick ’em all in their collective ‘nads ….. Trump/Pence 2016!!!!!!!

  2. Win or lose, Trump can walk away. The old hag, not so feasible. I’d be careful with the death metaphors, Tim. They’re pretty touchy about Hillary’s health, and they might take it the wrong way. Even if you’re a well-behaved RINO.

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