Hacking Democracy — – IOTW Report

Hacking Democracy —

A woman breaks down in tears in this video, and rightly so.

You should too.  —>


28 Comments on Hacking Democracy —

  1. Proof of how BHO “won” the last 2 elections. And how Harry Reid beat Sharron Angle in NV in 2010. And how Thad Cochran beat Chris McDaniel in the MS primary in 2014. And …….

  2. So the memory card was rigged. What would have happened if they had fed in a different number of total votes?

    Would the hack have still worked if they fed it 5 votes or 25 votes?

    Is there a means to check the memory cards before they inserted into the machine?

    The electronic voting machines in my township prints a hard copy of your vote that you have to review, visually before completing your ballot. If the polling officials only count the hard copies that have been checked by the voter, how could the system be hacked?

  3. This is only one of many ways that the US elections system has been corrupted. In my opinion, and my opinion is based on quite a bit of experience including being a campaign official (treasurer) in a federal election (US Senate), the whole thing from primary election candidate control to general election ballot access to vote counting equipment is rigged beyond redemption. The system CANNOT be fixed by working within the system.

    I’d love to be able to write something here that suggests some way to dig ourselves out of this pit of corruption. But I cannot, and that is because so many otherwise intelligent and responsible people in the US still believe in the power of voting even when confronted with hard evidence that they’ve been sold a bill of goods.

  4. After Kennedy/Nixon in 1960 the head of the democrat party in Cook County IL said:
    “Nixon had the issues and I had the printers union and a nail”
    this is the updated version of that.

  5. @venturaguy – Yes, he deserves it. But shooting the Diebold guy would make a lot of other people who deserve the same treatment very happy because a lot of ordinary people would then think that the cleanup job was done. It goes a lot deeper and wider than that.

  6. yes, its a fraud, and thanks Uncle Al for speaking out. Most of us have known it for years, but even us pessimists would like to believe we have a choice which we dont. The chads in FL was my last straw.

    Our state uses paper balloting, so i think i have an advantage but this crap about ARRRGH’s vs DEMS and the resulting fights is just bullshit. We will get whomever the powers that be want to anoint. Unless We Burn It Down.

    I sent this video to my local senator and reps because the state has been flirting with electronic voting.

  7. As a former employee of Diebold, they sold the voting machine business years ago. I am not defending them. I am only stating a fact. I believe that it was Premier that bought that division.

  8. @Uncle – THAT”S BULLSHIT – I am tired of people saying that because something cannot be done perfectly it should not be tried – shooting him would make the next guy think twice

  9. @venturaguy:

    @Uncle – THAT”S BULLSHIT – I am tired of people saying that because something cannot be done perfectly it should not be tried – shooting him would make the next guy think twice

    I didn’t say he shouldn’t be shot, in fact I said he deserved it. I just pointed out that there would be a downside, and that’s a fact.

  10. Having worked with Diebold and their equipment for years it does not surprise me at all. They tend to cut severe corners when it comes to security and design. For a long time they refused to increase the level of PIN security of their ATMs and as such it was very easy to hack and steal PINs from their ATMs.

    For a while they tried to get into the Premises Security and Physical Authentication markets, but failed because they couldn’t get anyone to buy their equipment because it was so weak in security.

    When I heard they got into voting systems I knew it was going to be a mess, just hoped it wasn’t going to be quite this big of a mess.

    They used to make good safes, but even that was sold off.

    As for voting systems, imagine what corruption there will be when voting is all done online where there will be even less security over your vote.

    We once had the chance at a contract for voting machines and had meetings to propose ideas to State government representatives. We put forth an idea of a design for a system where voters could actually authenticate their votes was counted correctly through the use of anonymous id numbers such that it would allow a voter to know they had not had their vote changed. Funny how even though it would have been a randomly generated number and there was no way of knowing who was assigned what number it was turned down. We were told it was “too restrictive” and what would they do if someone “needed” to vote again because their ballot was in question.

    Seemed like fraud and corruption were intended to be a part of any system that was accepted.

  11. To hell with the vendor – and their boss: George Soros.

    We need a ballot stub that we can keep from our voters’ ballot with the ability to match the numbers and confirm our vote with the stub on a vote count website to insure that our vote was actually counted properly.
    If we had a way to verify our votes, we could stop a lot of the corruption.

    Who do I need to send that idea to? Would anybody even listen?

    We could always march on Washington and physically throw all the bastards out ….

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  1. Moonbattery » Hacking Democracy
  2. Hacking Democracy – A Repost

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