HAH! Trump’s Speech to Blacks is RESONATING – IOTW Report

HAH! Trump’s Speech to Blacks is RESONATING

Prominent black leader, Quanell X, urges black people to “VOTE THEIR CONSCIENCE!!!!!!!!”

He’s encouraging blacks to take a look at Trump.

He says that what Trump said in his Dimondale speech was the truth and that blacks are being pimped out by the democrats. He says that blacks have to reexamine their relationship with the party that’s been taking advantage of them and taking them for granted for the past 54 years.



Trump can be the one that breaks the decades-long stranglehold the left has had on minorities. The dems have prevented minorities from having any movement whatsoever towards the right.

Without that movement, it might be impossible for the right to ever again win a national election.

zero hedge-

It seems that Donald Trump’s recent speech urging black Americans to vote for him because of failing Clinton and Obama policies has not fallen on deaf ears.

African Americans, who have for decades voted en masse for democrat party candidates to the tune of 90% support or more, have finally realized that just because a politician says he or she is going to do something doesn’t mean it will actually happen.

We’re sure you remember Obama’s promises of free health care, free education, more jobs and better communities. That not even the first black American President was able to improve the lives of minorities may have finally woken some people up.

The following interview with New Black Panther Quanell X requires no further commentary – he breaks it down quite succinctly:

46 Comments on HAH! Trump’s Speech to Blacks is RESONATING


    Martin Luther King, Jr. said that about Richard Nixon, and I’m certain many black leaders had a lot of good things to say about Lincoln.

  2. In the same interview Quanell X says white people holding up signs that say whitelivesmatter in front of NAACP is racist. Maybe when the double standard ends blacks can take a step back and look at it rationally, but that ain’t gunna happen, 90%+ will turn out to keep themselves in chains.

  3. Not a peep out of Jackson or Sharpton? Hah! The jig’s up, boys.

    People like Quanell “X” are going to be in for a big surprise, too, if they think they can hustle Trump for their own agendas.

  4. @aleon,
    That’s what’s driving me to distraction. I want to vote my conscience, and my conscience is telling me that Trump isn’t going to build a wall, or dump Obamacare, or any of the other things the GOP promised but never delivered, but if I don’t vote for Trump, Hillary wins (she’ll win anyway through voter fraud).

    If Hillary wins, the Trump supporters will blame #NeverTrump, even if they couldn’t have made a difference. The GOP will die; the Libertarian Party has already become liberal (pro abortion, pro-marriage redefinition), and the various Constitution Parties will fail to coalesce. The Alt-Right is the same thing as the John Birchers that William F. Buckley, Jr. (peace be upon him) kept out of the conservative movement.

    Why, for the love of God, couldn’t we have a better candidate than Trump?

  5. Geeknerd,
    My opinion is Trumps the perfect man for straighten in this mess out. I think most here feel the same way. No go back to your brothers and sisters at the Right Scoop and talk amongst yourselves. You will change nobodies mind here.

  6. I couldn’t STAND McCain. But guess what, I voted for him. And I trust Trump before I would trust McCain or Hillary. I’m not worried about what Trump might not do as I am worried about what Hilary WILL do. The bitch is criminal. No way you can compare her to Trump.

  7. “Why, for the love of God, couldn’t we have a better candidate than Trump? ”

    Same reason I’m not handsome. It is what it is and I’m ok with it. Some people, like yourself, just can’t accept reality.

    Regardless of your opinion – he is the best candidate you can vote for this time. And yes, if you sit out, you’re helping the Hill. Face that truth a little better, will ya?

    You’re wearisome in your rants of uselessness. Have a better idea instead of just bitching. You’re the kind of hiker we shrug at each other over when the cougar gets him and realize we’ll all make better time now.

  8. Yet another good thing Trump has done to turn things around for the country, the best part, he hasn’t been elected yet!

    I think that’s quite positive. Changing the PC narrative and shedding light on cockroaches should be a national sport!

  9. I don’t understand how people can complain about Trump maybe not building a wall, maybe not doing this / that to Hillary saying openly and to your face that she’s going to remove the 2nd, import illegals and grant blanket sanctuary and try to destroy free speech. How the hell is Trump worse or equal to Hillary? It makes no sense.

  10. @geeknerd:

    That’s what’s driving me to distraction. I want to vote my conscience, and my conscience is telling me that Trump isn’t going to build a wall, or dump Obamacare, or any of the other things the GOP promised but never delivered, but if I don’t vote for Trump, Hillary wins (she’ll win anyway through voter fraud).”

    Just consider this: Trump may or may not get it done and most certainly will get opposition from many of the RINOs. FACT: The GOPe WILL NOT GET IT DONE. They have broken their promises, all. FACT: We know where Hillary is taking us.

    QUESTION: What promise has Trump made and broken? If you are tying Trump to the past performance of the GOP you are mistaken. Have you not listened to his speeches. When he speaks of Washington corruption he is speaking to both parties.

  11. “I don’t understand how people can complain about Trump maybe not building a wall, ”

    I have a theory about that. Your average Trump hater is very insecure. Lacks confidence. Trump scares them as any confident person would.

  12. Notice how Hill always goes on about new laws and new policies? If these motherfuckers followed the laws that were already in place, we wouldn’t have problems! But that’s not how gubmint rolls under progressives.

    So why does she want new laws? For further control. If one of 0bama’s current laws and policies don’t get you now, hers will get you later.

  13. As a white/black person, neither of my halves want any politician doing shit FOR me. Follow the laws that built this nation and shit falls into place nicely for everyone.
    ‘special victims’ are for television, not reality.

  14. I don’t know anybody who will vote for Trump.
    You know, that oft misquoted Pecksniffian remark was in true quote, not as fast but far worse for content.
    “I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don’t know. They’re outside my ken. But sometimes when I’m in a theater I can feel them.’” – Pauline Kael

  15. It’s not good to be ruled by your conscience, too many voice’s. It’s good to have one but many people do not have a conscience, a better angle would be logical reasons to do what’s right, in this case vote for Trump.

  16. Building a wall is not necessary when you fill the boarder with manpower, technology and firepower added to a willing prosecution of violators!

    I don’t care if he builds a damn wall. What I do care about is his willingness to fix the problem. Who cares if he finally crunches the numbers and finds along the way that limited amnesty will help solve the problem?

    I can sit here all day and say NO or OXI all I want. It doesn’t change a damn thing. But I also don’t have all the facts or the resources at my disposal. I’m fairly certain that were I to have all the facts, resources and power to invoke real change, I likely will have changed my original view/plan/desired outcome.

    Any stick in the mud that says they wouldn’t is fcuking lying or too stupid to have any type of authority.

  17. It’s nice to see the blacks figuring out the Dems have been using them like rented mules.

    I think most of them have realized they stand to lose the most under Hillary. She does not care about them at all, and her immigration policies will utterly destroy their lives, and they are figuring that out.

  18. @geeknerd, you insulted everyone with the exception of the one like you received (if that wasn’t you;) )

    Trump is the nominee, many of us never voted for him but back him and those who have. You playing the “superior” card is insulting. If ridding us of HIllary isn’t the point, then what is?

  19. Geeknerd: When you make a generalized blanket statement about “you Trump supporters” it’s insulting. We are not a homogenous clump of people. We are individuals. We think our own thought and come to conclusions on our own.

  20. If ridding us of HIllary isn’t the point, then what is?>>>>

    NOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo……… An open invitation to bleat out the assholish and convoluted musings that bounce around in the fat, bald, sweaty heads (I swear every editor of Red State is fat, bald sweaty and stupid) of disgruntled fantasists????

    Now we’re going to have to read about principles and conservatism (as if we have neither) and the long game and Ted Cruz (as if we have time for that) and various other combinations of quotes from Captain Obvious and Captain Retardo.

  21. I don’t understand how people can complain about Trump maybe not building a wall, maybe not doing this / that to Hillary saying openly and to your face that she’s going to remove the 2nd, import illegals and grant blanket sanctuary and try to destroy free speech. How the hell is Trump worse or equal to Hillary? It makes no sense.>>>

    What she said ^

  22. TO geeknerd

    MLK Jr’s descendant just said on TV this morning she doesn’t want a racially-bias-free society…QUITE TO THE CONTRARY OF THE WISHES OF “judging by the character, not by the color of the skin,” so to hell with your Old Dead White Black Man bleating.

    It seems to me your “conscience” is telling you to vote for Hillary. Either you believe the chances for a better America are with Trump or with Clinton. PICK ONE, fool. To me, it sounds like you are trying to sow fear, doubt and defeatism. To that I say F*CK THAT!

  23. Who is this mysterious “better candidate” than Donald Trump? All the 16 republicans he creamed pretty much suck in my book. Was Jeb your guy? Lyin Ted? You have a full assortment of RINOs there from which to choose. Myself, I like Trump. I want someone who is not a political lifer, a good patriot, who has balls and can punch back at the mainstream media slime machine, actually raises the immigration issue and explains that no we can’t take in every person in the world who wants to come here no matter how awesome I am sure all of them are, can relate to the working man and family, will broker no schit t from the Chinese or anyone else, and also is independently wealthy. Please shed illumination and provide specific examples of these wonderful, better-than-Trump candidates.

  24. Oy.
    Rumsfeld said “You go to war with the army you have, not the one you wish you had”
    I, myself wanted to run. But Just like Hazel in Cannery Row: I can’t do it, get somebody else for President of the United States. I tried, I practiced – but I just ain’t got the poop! I’ll mess up the whole country”
    We got Trump because the GOP wanted to Pimp him and get big ratings draw and enjoy his flame-out.
    But he kicked all their asses.
    So we find ourselves in the Trump canoe
    So everybody better start rowing or we’re going to have a Harpy for a President that sounds just like the Martian Commander from Mars Attacks.
    Do you really want that voice barking out at you for four or eight long years?
    I would rather jump into Lava.

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