Patriot Retort: Last night I went onto Twitter and was amazed at how many Democrats and Democrat media hacks were offering Senate Republicans advice on how to win the Midterms.
Their election advice can be summed up this way:
If the Republicans in the Senate push forward with Kavanaugh’s confirmation, they will be defeated in the Midterms. So if they want any hope of retaining their majority, they would be wise to comply with our demands or it’s game over.
Loving me some sky screaming.
What’s so funny? The establishment Republicans are sucking it up. That and giving advice to true Constitutional conservatives.
This is an age old Democrat trick that BTW, Republicans still to this day fall for. Just like in run ups to the presidential election, Democrats keep mentioning who they DON’T want to run against and guess what, that’s who the Republicans run. Didn’t work too well in 2016.
Won’t get fooled again!