Half of Venezuelan Vote On Sunday Was Fake – IOTW Report

Half of Venezuelan Vote On Sunday Was Fake

President Nicolas Maduro’s big election on Sunday  to vote in a Constitutional Assembly that will rubber stamp a Socialist dictatorship in Venezuela was a huge sham. While the socialists claim 8 million voted to give them a majority in the body to rewrite the nation’s constitution, indicators say only 3.7 million voted (a little over 10 percent of the nation’s population).


Even the firm paid to conduct the election, Smartmatic, estimates the tally was off by at least 1 million — More

10 Comments on Half of Venezuelan Vote On Sunday Was Fake

  1. Even former President Hugo Chavez voted. Normally his vote would have counted for 10 million regular votes, but because he is dead, it was only counted as half that amount. After all, that’s only fair, given the circumstances.


  2. I smell a 2500 yard shot coming up for Nicolas Maduro’s . A lead injection. One hell of a lot easier to kill than Kim Dumb Young. Getting in is easy, getting out, not so much.

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