‘Hamas Crazies Ban Bananas on Campus Because One Commie is Allergic’ – IOTW Report

‘Hamas Crazies Ban Bananas on Campus Because One Commie is Allergic’

And the counter protestors had a field day.
Salty Cracker has the story.

19 Comments on ‘Hamas Crazies Ban Bananas on Campus Because One Commie is Allergic’

  1. Let’s hope that all these bozos slip on banana peels and all fall on their asses and make fools out of themselves or start smoking the bananas to get high. We could call them Mellow Yellow like the old Donovan song from the 60’s.

  2. Harry, that was bananas but I’ll one up you with the song Thirty Thousand Pounds of Bananas by Harry Chapin from the late 70’s about a banana truck that crashed going downhill going into Scranton, Pennsylvania and gooshed 30,000 pounds of bananas all over Scranton. I never saw the banana man on Capt. Kangaroo but it was a good one. Now I’m going to pretend to smoke a cigarette and watch Capt. Kangaroo like in the Statler Bros. song. “Don’t tell me I’ve nothing to do.”


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