Hannity Show Does Feature On “Weirdo” Jimmy Kimmel – IOTW Report

Hannity Show Does Feature On “Weirdo” Jimmy Kimmel


There’s an old political saying about not picking a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel. The modern equivalent might  be not getting into a twitter war with someone with a nightly TV show, but late night TV host Jimmy Kimmel and Fox News host Sean Hannity have been at it the last few days. It started with Kimmel’s asinine jokes about the first ladies accent and reached a crescendo last night with Hannity calling Kimmel a “sick twisted, creepy, perverted weirdo” and running old “Man Show” clips in the first third of his show. More

15 Comments on Hannity Show Does Feature On “Weirdo” Jimmy Kimmel

  1. interesting that the lewd behavior that was cultivated as so hip slick and cool a few years ago is now the focus of the “me too” movement. And the lib axxholes were /are front and center in both arenas. Can you say hypocrite Hollywood?

  2. Kimmel is disgusting, as for if he will lose his job over this… I dunno.

    His old ‘comedy’ sketches are gross and perverse, but they’re most likely well known by abc/disney so Hannity doing an exposé on the guy might not change anything.

  3. I watched a Den Martin roast the other night. Classic stuff. Made you LOL with classy insults.

    Don Rickles, Phyllis diller, Jack Benny, Milton berles

  4. Charlie W. Those were the days my friend, now they’re lost and gone forever. Kimmel, Fallon, O’Brien,Letterman, are not funny. They are left wing political hacks, and humorless.

  5. There was something about “ass clown” being tossed back and forth between these two and Kimmel pulling a clown picture from Twitter that got a lot of negative push back.

    Yeah, I see now why Kimmel pulled it. I imagine the clown and gay community failed to find humor in this picture.

  6. Hannity nailed Kimmel’s balls to the wall last night. Jimmy outta shut his pie hole instead of messing with Hannity. What Hannity showed was brutal for Jimmy Kimmel. In one of the segments Hannity showed of Kimmel, I swear Kimmel was wasted on something. He could barely keep his eyes open he was so stoned.

  7. I heard Kimmel’s humorous sex schticks on Hannity’s radio show. It was so revolting I turned off Hannity for five minutes. I wanted to beotch slap Kimmeland theshow’s participants.

  8. Just remember there is a video on hooktube where Kimmel has sex (pantomimed) with a chimp. There is no way that chimp could consent to the actions directed by its trainer.


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