Happiness Is – IOTW Report

Happiness Is

Images from:

1) Scott (From left to right – Elwood, Jake, Laverne, and Shirley) They own the couch and love attention. The boys are from the same litter and were adopted in Florida. The girls are from the same litter and adopted when we retired here in Tennessee. They are a strong pack and love each other. They have a fenced acre backyard to play in on our eleven acres and enjoy barking at deer, squirrels, hawks, and the occasional turkey!
2, 3) SNS (Duke) This is “Duke”. We met him at a friend’s pet shop as a rescue named “Rags”, and the wife who just lost her Skippy cried for his story. We met and decided they needed each other (and he cuddled up to me too), and took him today to his new forever home. He’s very thin and still pretty traumatized, but with the Lord’s help and grace he’ll be better. He’s already taken over our home and our hearts. Wife picked the name “Duke” so he can grow big and strong into it.
4) NAAC (Logan)
5,6) Pxhere.com

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:



  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

7-30 You May Call Me Your Highness – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – Which of your critters are above you? You may kiss their ring.
8-6 Lazy Time – No, I’m not sleepy. Just chillin’.
8-13 The Eyes Have It! – Critter eyes, all species, shapes, and sizes! – Theme idea from Old Guy
8-20 Unusual Critters – What strange and unusual critter have you seen?

Thank you, contributors!

10 Comments on Happiness Is

  1. As always, a pleasant respite from the otherwise insane world on which we live. Thank you Claudia. Welcome to a great new week iotwrs. God bless.

  2. Good morning Lady C. Thanks for this post and for all your posts, we need the critter break from the insanity to enjoy the fuzzy representations of God’s love instead.

    My new guy wasn’t planned at all. My wife had just lost her 11 years fuzzy buddy 3 weeks prior, and wasn’t at ALL interested in a new dog.

    But she kept up with some folks in the old neighborhood, among which was a great couple that ran the pet shop we got Skippy at. And they had a problem. Seems they had sold this schnauzer/poodle mix to some folks who didn’t, or or couldn’t, take care of it and gave it back, and it was the saddest thing. Rail thin, tremblingly frightened, matted and unable to eat or do much of anything but cower in a corner and snap and widly roll his eyes at anyone who appeoached. They tried every food they sold…and that’s a lot…and he just wasn’t having it. They couldn’t even leave his cage uncovered, he was so terrified.

    My wife saw his video and heard his story, and cried like she did when Skippy passed.

    We went to see him that day. They have a pen in aside room they use for pet introductions, and we got in and they got this tiny, long legged mound of hair and wild eyes out and set him carefully on the floor, where he shook and cast his eyes around desperately, then made a beeline for her and just laid on her looking up at her like she was his only hope.

    She picked him up and he hugged her, she cried over him a bit as they held each other, then she handed him to me. This was a test because the previous owner told the pet shop folks he didn’t like men, but apparently she didn’t like HER man bevause he clung to me too, although he refused to look at me (and I don’t blame him).

    The wife is quite tenderhearted and also thought the Lord had sent him to her, so there weren’t no way he wasn’t going home with us. The pet shop folks were so grateful we were willing to take on this problem child that they waved even the adoption fee, and we took him to his new forever home.

    Here you see him right after his first bath. You can still see the fear in his eyes, but you can also see how he likes to get up on things so he can watch over what everyone is doing. We’ve had him three weeks now and he’s starting to get comfortable, the first time he even dared to bark was about a week and a half after we got him, but he’s got a TON of separation anxiety and if the wife goes out for even a few minutes he greets her like she’s a long-lost Army buddy that he thought had died at Arnhem.

    …I could go on (you all KNOW how I can go on) as he’s filled our lives with love and adventure iven in the three short weeks we’ve been together, but I’ll just say thanks again to Lady C for letting me share this little grey manifestation of the love of the Lord with you all, and I’m sure he’ll come up again as we work though his quirks (he HATES veterinarians and is attracted to dogs MUCH bigger than he), and maybe get his portrait done once we get him properly fattened up and calmed down to where he can get a real grooming.

    But most of all I thank the Lord that He sent Duke to bring my wife some measure of the joy she lost when she lost her Skippy. He knew what she needed and gave it to her when she needed it most, and knew that Duke needed her as much as she needed him.

    God is as awesome in the little things as He is the big, and no one can ever convince me that pets aren’t His love for us made manifest as a small taste of the Ultimate Joy to get us through life until we are called home to Him.

    “38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

    39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
    Romans 8:38-39

    God Bless,

  3. @SNS, I am moved by your witnessing to us over the story of “Lost” and “Found” companions. Critters are my weak spot and I love hearing stories such as yours. Also, thank you for giving us Faith bearing words for poor sinners, like myself.

    Thanks again, to Miz Claudia for her tireless efforts to amuse the rabble here, with the Sunday Critter Collection.

  4. @Scott – What a handsome quartet!

    @SNS – God bless you and your wife for giving Rags/Duke a second chance. Sounds like his previous owners treated him cruelly. I’m sure he’ll some around in your love-filled home. I adopted a straggly 7-year-old Schnauzer named Rags some years ago. He was diabetic and required daily insulin injections. He was the best boy. After meals he would come to us for his injection without complaint. We had his cataracts fixed and he would stand in the yard and just look around at God’s creation. I miss him.

    Thanks Claudia for giving us something to smile about.

  5. Love all the Critter Lovers here and am one myself and thank you, Claudia! SNS , after reading Duke’s story am reminded of that old song “The Duke of Earl” gonna have to find it somewhere.


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