Happy 123123 Eve – IOTW Report

Happy 123123 Eve

Images from:

1) PHenry (Jack or Jackie) Perhaps I have spoiled him. Vet appointment in early January. We’ll then know gender. I am not qualified to determine gender. But I think he is a she. Does that make me a democrat?
2) SNS (Buck) random buck in my yard.
3) Anymouse (Blue Heron) Daughter was taking pictures and the blue herons are usually much more skittish.
4,5,7) Pexels.com
6,8,9) Pixabay.com

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:



  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

1-7 Mid-Winter Blues – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON – Critters depressed? Bored? Irritable?
1-14 You May Call Me Your Highness – Are your critters royalty?
1-21 Guess What I’m Thinking – Critters with expressions on their faces that you aren’t sure what they are thinking.

Thanks for your photos, contributors!

17 Comments on Happy 123123 Eve

  1. Ahhhhh! The Sunday respite. Thank you Claudia as well as your contributors. Happy new year and have a great new week iotwrs.

  2. @PHenry-You’re definitely NOT a democrat!
    You’ve taken in one of God’s creatures and it sounds as though you’re committed to having this little one share your life. Jack or Jackie, this little one is lucky to have you!
    Blessings to all!

  3. Good Sunday, Lady C, appreciate as always the break in the madness here on the Count’s favorite day leading into the Year Of Sorrows.

    We don’t get many bucks, or they’re wise enough to stay out of sight (the rack on THIS fellow suggests he’s been good at that foe many years), but occasionally they do come to check on their does and I suspect that’s what he’s doing here. The does mostly block traffic and destroy the wife’s vegetable garden, but I don’t really want to scare them off the property as they may be useful, later, should things get as sideways as they seem to be headed.

    But enough of that here and now. Let’s just take a moment to look at the majesty and grace that the Lord can imbue even a lowly herbivore with, and celebrate the peace that domestic companions such as PHenry’s kitty can show us, and the natural wonder of Anymouse’ Blue Heron to bookend the variety of ways that God shows us we’re not alone by putting on a most amazing show every minute of every day on the only planet that has any of this, that we are just too jaded and ungrateful to notice except for times like when the more sensitive such as you, Claudia, hold up the magnifying glass to His wonders and pause us long enough to appreciate them.

    God bless and protect you and us all into the coming year,


  4. PHenry (Jack or Jackie)

    “Vet appointment in early January. We’ll then know gender. I am not qualified to determine gender.”

    …just look at its feet and you’ll know.

    When we were little, that’s what MY folks said they were doing when they’d lift up each kitten for examination, anyway…;)

  5. I had a couple of chipmunks living underneath my deck some year ago. I don’t know where they came from, but I’d like to have them back. Mice not so much, we occasionally have mice, one time I heard rustling around in my dogfood bag in the basement and I checked to see what it was and there were a few baby mice inside the dogfood bag. I drowned the little buggers and started putting all the dogfood into secure containers since then. Unfortunately, my yellow tabby Finn is not a very good mouser unless they run right in front of him.

  6. @ Geoff..
    My cat was afraid of mice.
    I guess he never got the memo that told him he was supposed to be the predator.
    Nope. That little bugger would be on top of the table, alongside me, whenever there was a mouse in the house.


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