Harvard poll show voters support Trump’s immigration moves despite cries of ‘racism’ by Democrats – IOTW Report

Harvard poll show voters support Trump’s immigration moves despite cries of ‘racism’ by Democrats

Washington Times: Voters like the idea of making legal immigrants pay their own way, and they are also keen on letting people sue sanctuary cities for crimes committed by illegal immigrants — both parts of President Trump’s immigration agenda — according to surprising polling numbers from Harvard University.

Nearly four in five voters like the idea of an “immigration halt” with the coronavirus becoming a pandemic.

Less popular is the move by a number of Democrat-led states such as New York to issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. Only about one-third of voters polled said people in the country without authorization should be allowed to apply for a license.

The results of the Harvard Center for American Political Studies/Harris Poll suggest that Mr. Trump’s immigration policies have strong backing among the public at large, even though they are derided as racist or unfair in Washington and among Democratic leaders.

6 Comments on Harvard poll show voters support Trump’s immigration moves despite cries of ‘racism’ by Democrats

  1. Crying “Racism” and “Racist” to instill disgust and gain control of the people has failed to achieve they goal.

    But crying “Pandemic” to induce fear in the people and take total control of them is succeeding.

    Both Republicans and Democrats, from Trump down to the lowest rungs on the ladder, have jumped on the wagon with them.

    We’re finished, there will be no alternative to turn to in the future and it will all be the same no matter what we might want.

  2. Well since this cvirus is such a damned emergency and were on the verge of Armageddon, then it only makes sense to stop all immigration and get serious about deporting all illegals.

  3. Could be that the democrats blundered again in thinking blaming a plague on Trump would damage him. I suspect they are dead wrong and maybe will end up being both.

  4. I didn’t think it was possible, but the democrats are, once again, exploiting this latest opportunity to out-cunt themselves again, setting new records of vicious, asshole-ish uselessdom once again.

    Some of these Hollywood and news hairdo assholes should be grateful for the Internet, because if some were easy to get to in public, a few would be dead by now from a bad case of 2x4totheskullitis. They are just vile.


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