Has the cult of veganism reached its sell-by date? – IOTW Report

Has the cult of veganism reached its sell-by date?

If recent headlines are to be believed, the answer is yes.

Spiked Online: Over the past few years, there has been an explosion of vegan processed food appearing in supermarkets. A growing number of the population also claims to be vegan. But there are signs this trend could be going into reverse. Demand for animal-free food and drink products has collapsed over the past year. One casualty is Swedish oat-milk firm Oatly, which has recently withdrawn its dairy-free ice cream in the UK. Another is the Yorkshire sausage-making company, Heck, which has scaled-down its vegan-friendly range from 10 products to two. Smoothie-maker Innocent discontinued its dairy-free range earlier this year. Supermarket sales of meat-free products fell by £37.3million between September 2021 and September 2022, according to the consumer intelligence firm NielsenIQ.

There seems to be two main reasons. Rising inflation has been cited as one cause, as consumers have scaled back on branded and luxury eatables. Plant-based processed foods are generally more costly than the meat and dairy products they purport to replace. Another explanation is that producers of vegan food may have overestimated the size of the market for veganism, and now they are having to readjust to reality. more

17 Comments on Has the cult of veganism reached its sell-by date?

  1. I read a comment once years ago that stated “Vegetarians die too.” That cured me from ever becoming a vegan. May as well enjoy the beef! Fried chicken for lunch! Finger lickn’ good!

  2. Starvation will reveal a person’s character. Even mere privation will expose truths a person cannot in genuine good conscience deny.

    Veganism is an affectation of the wealthy. The entire ‘green’ movement is just such an affectation. To be clear, wealth in this context doesn’t suggest a Ferrari in the garage, a Rolex on the wrist or Prada reading glasses on the head.

    In this context wealth implies a stable, more or less comfortable existence with no significant interruptions of the basics, food and water, shelter and medical intervention when required.

    I have seven metal spring rocker deck chairs on my deck, three deck tables around the house, and two umbrellas, among other deck appurtenances. Where in my hierarchy of needs do these rank?

    It is easy to understand people’s need to signal their virtue in circumstances where there is no real want. Signaling virtue is always signaling personal superiority at its base. It is identical to the Ferrari, the Rolex, and the Prada reading glasses in effect, but comes without the dollar cost and the effort necessary to accumulate those dollars.

    We are wasting the greatest wealth humanity has ever known on virtue signaling of all kinds. We will undoubtedly continue to do so until the greatest virtue signal available to a common person is ‘I won’t eat my youngest child first’, which is stupid as only virtue signaling can be, because of course you don’t eat the littlest first, let it grow, there’ll be more of it later.

    All organic cultures are built on want and man’s pursuit of the opportunity to breed. Only cocooned in and intentionally or, more likely, ignorantly unaware of massive, apparently unending wealth does a person have the leisure to pursue ‘gay rights’, ‘transsexualism’, ‘veganisn’, ‘climate change’, and many many other genuinely profitless and destructive ‘isms’ including, quite specifically, communism.

  3. The reason for the decline in sales of faux-meat is because grocery stores and restaurants stopped buying that garbage just to have it rot on the shelf because nobody wants to eat it.

  4. @ RadioMattM

    I watched few packs of two 1/4lb plant based burgers start out a $12.49/pack. A week or so later they were on sale for $9.49, then $8.49, then $6.49, then they disappeared. Don’t know if they were actually the same packs or if they eventually got bought or thrown away but I haven’t noticed any since. I do know that as long as it’s kept dry, hay has a long shelf life.

  5. I’ve got my theory. It goes like this:::The stuff tastes like shit and once the novelty wears off and some other bullshit is the virtue signal menus item of the day, it’s not going to be popular enough for markets to continue stocking it.

  6. This ‘green’ bowel movement will soon be replaced by something else as sinister: the neurotic narcissists who follow these evil Al Gore/John Kerry scammers have no where else to go – like work.

  7. Actually even herd grazers like cattle, horses and sheep consume a measure of insects and other small creatures with their grass. They’re not vegan by any strict standard.

  8. I have a hospice dementia patient who was a vegetarian.

    Emphasis on was.

    4 months ago she began to eat all the foods because she forgot her “preference” and it’s cruel to deny anyone what their fellow diners are enjoying, if they’ve expressed an interest.

    I’m having her discharged from hospice because she has recovered so much that she no longer falls within the Medicare established parameters for eligibility for hospice.


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