Hate crime charges DROPPED, no jail time for Christian vet – IOTW Report

Hate crime charges DROPPED, no jail time for Christian vet

who beheaded Satan statue at Iowa Capitol.

9 Comments on Hate crime charges DROPPED, no jail time for Christian vet

  1. He was still arrested and had to plea guilty to a lesser charge. That alone is enough to keep people from acting or speaking up in the future. A little wile ago if someone said, “The government is controlled by Satan worshiping lizard pedophiles”, I would have called them crazy. Now I’m not so sure.

  2. Did the people of Iowa agree to have this statue placed in their capital. I remember when a satanic temple from New York State wanted to install a satanic statue on Oklahoma State capital. All the leftists were thrilled about forcing their beliefs on the people of Oklahoma, but you they would be outraged if anyone tried to push their beliefs on these leftists.

  3. I Hope everytime they replace the statue, someone defiles it. Make it more trouble to keep it than itโ€™s worth. Next time, how about a tow rope and a pickup truck. For the statue not the DA?

  4. Go check out the number of statues vandalized, destroyed, or removed during the riots across this country after George Floyd committed suicide. Not a single hate crime charged.

  5. So, why is there a statue of Satan inside the Iowa Capitol??? Ummm, I don’t get it.


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