He Built It – IOTW Report

He Built It

ht/ kparkhebuilt-it

21 Comments on He Built It

  1. Brad for all their education and their rules and regulations, they, the politicians, can’t seem to grasp the fact that the bad guys will never, EVER, be without guns or other weapons. They just don’t get it.

  2. Well Tom these new round of gun measures where justified by a terrorist attack in San Bernadino. So I can’t protect my family with my weapon of choice because the state government out laws those guns there by insuring bad guys won’t attack me with the guns a mag capacity I can no longer own. Mind you most of SoCal is within walking distance of a wide open border. I’m sure the new laws are posted at the border with receptacles for illegal weapons. California gun owners pray that the Libtards that passed this legislations families are killed in an attack. Better than mine.

  3. RADIOATIONMAN, That might be on the horizon here in Cali. According to Briefhtbart Cali law makers are drafting legislation to outlaw any Semi Auto rifle. That might do the trick.

  4. That is their intent, to make us the outlaws. Let us hope that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” will be settled under a Trump Supreme Court.

  5. To all you unfortunate Kalifornication residents, when the new “laws” (diktats) come into effect, and you are now outlaws for not bowing before the alter of your slavemasters…..if you are going to be an outlaw, be the BEST outlaw that you can possibly be.

    “Evil survives because good people did not shoot the government bastards who passed the laws.”

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