He Likes Ike – IOTW Report

He Likes Ike



[…] Whether that’s a good thing is a matter of opinion. But, considering that the erasing of America’s borders is the signature issue that propelled Trump to the top of the polls and has kept him there for six months, there’s been a curious reluctance on the part of all four debate-hosting networks to get into the subject. Wouldn’t it be appropriate, in the present atmosphere, to question Marco Rubio on the Gang of Eight business and get a bit of a ding-dong going between him and Trump? Apparently not.

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3 Comments on He Likes Ike

  1. Ted Baxter (aka Bill O’Reilly – h/t Rush) claimed that Ike’s deportations were “brutal”. No you pompous jerk. What’s brutal is almost 95 million AMERICANS of working age that aren’t in the work force, mostly because there aren’t any jobs that aren’t being illegally filled by criminal invaders and “legal” immigrants.

    What’s brutal is native born American citizens watching the criminal invaders that don’t even speak English drive around in new SUV’s and luxury cars while they drive 20 year old beaters with more than 300k miles on them. The American citizens can’t afford a new car because they have a large portion of their pay checks (if they are lucky enough to actually still have a job) stolen from them by their own government in order to willfully allow the criminal invaders to abuse the taxpayer funded welfare / tax / medical care and other “benefits” systems while they also enjoy all the benefits of actual taxpaying citizenship like education for their offspring and driver’s licenses (which Clinton set up to destroy conservative America with his “motor voter” BS).

    These criminals enjoy all of this while also stealing jobs from American citizens by working at a lower wage (often “under the table”) than Americans who have to pay taxes on the now lowered wages they might make can live on.

    And just because your criminal invader parent(s) ILLEGALLY forced their way into our country and spit you out on American soil doesn’t make you a legal citizen of America regardless of what elitist scum like Kasich and Yeb say. By all means keep the families together ……. DEPORT ALL OF THEM at the same time!

    I am sick to death of these political hacks making whiny statements like “think about the families and children” when referencing people that forcibly broke into our country with the sole intent of leeching off of the taxpayers of America. I want somebody that thinks about the families and children that are LEGAL CITIZENS of America for a change!

    I am sick and tired of seeing people that shouldn’t even be in this country sucking the financial and cultural life’s blood out of America on my dime while sporting a higher standard of living than I can afford for myself.

    That’s why the guy that will DEPORT these people and secure the borders has my vote regardless of any other issue. I want somebody that cares more about America and its valid citizens than the ILLEGAL parasites that steal our posterity!

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