“Head” Mizzou Muckraker Visited the White House Prior To His Muckraking – IOTW Report

“Head” Mizzou Muckraker Visited the White House Prior To His Muckraking


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17 Comments on “Head” Mizzou Muckraker Visited the White House Prior To His Muckraking

  1. Just another brick in the wall of obama’s transformation (destruction) of the US.
    It warms my heart knowing he’ll have secret service and a BIG pension for the rest of his life and I have the honor to pay for it. (spit).

  2. Expect this kind of shit to go exponential next year when the incompetent, lazy, vactioning, golfing, spending, partying, vindictive, arrogant, stumbling, sarcastic, narcissistic, thoroughly corrupt, stone-walling, out-of-touch, Gay-obsessed, dope-smoking, teleprompter reading Bullgarian-speaking, productivity-obstructing, monument-Barrycading, race, gender, class and religion-divisive, celebrity obsessed, selfie-posing, healthcare-destroying, economy-wrecking, lying, lawless phoney-baloney plastic banana Communist-Organizing, Manchurian SOB has nothing to lose and pulls out all the stops!

  3. Yeah. How many regular kids get a trip to the White House? Regular as- paying their way in school, hunkering down and learning all they can about their chosen major and doing the work?

    I was in college when Reagan was President.

    “President Reagan, my anatomy teacher said my figure drawings looked like the models’ skeleton were made out of butter! I’m oppressed!”

    Good grief.

  4. Who didn’t see that coming? Next we will “learn” that the chancellor and president who stepped down will retire with 90% of their salary, take some government job or both. It is the same old script, an old fashioned power grab. The stupid shit never ends.

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