Head of DeSantis Super PAC, “Never Back Down” Backs Out – IOTW Report

Head of DeSantis Super PAC, “Never Back Down” Backs Out


It’s like watching a slow-motion train wreck of Sea Island billionaires.

Last week the Chief Executive Officer of the DeSantis “Never Back Down” [NDB] super PAC, Chris Jankowski, backed down and quit.  This week the Chairman of the SuperPAC, Adam Laxalt, quits.  …And Florida now dislikes DeSantis, so there’s no easy return home.  Best primary election ever. More

According to Politico, the DeSantis campaign is backing away from NBD. Here

20 Comments on Head of DeSantis Super PAC, “Never Back Down” Backs Out

  1. Ron your ego shot your wad when you could have been the man in 28. You let the keepers of the brass ring seduce you. As a famous composer once said *All lies and jests, still a man hears what he want to hear and disregards the rest”

    Sold your soul to the company store, now look at you…

  2. Listen,

    this is a battle for the soul of America.

    Are you for Business, Competition, Earning & Winning

    OR for

    Trying to be civil with the enemy WITHIN?

    I like DeSantis.
    He is a First Officer.
    a Captain on the Boat.

    The Re-Pubes should FALL in LINE behind TRUMP, UNITE, & FIGHT!

    The civility of Traditional American Politics is DEAD.

    This IS NOT a DEBATE.



  3. DeSantis was fine until he decided to go for president.
    He got some really really bad dumb ass republican advisors who gave him shit advice contrary to the public. It was like a 180 degree turn and he stuck his foot in his mouth and up his ass at the same time. If he goes back to his conservative roots and tells these RINO’s to svck off he might have a better chance next go around.

  4. “DeSantis was fine until he decided to go for president.”

    That’s how I feel. He was a serous contender should something happen to DJT. He was the heir apparent VP. The new Dynamic Duo DJT RDS. What the fxck happened? Bush happened.

  5. How many here will remember in 2028 what Ron D. did to try to take out President Trump in 2024? I will. I bet he will not run in 28.
    He hitched his wagon to team Bush and the Rino assholes that hate MAGA
    What an ego and a waste for him to go there.
    Now that we really know who he really is and how little he costs why would we support him. To bad he could have been a contender.

  6. The article I’m linking to shows how fucking STUPID some of you assholes here truly are. It’s STAGGERING!


    DeSantis gets SHIT DONE while Trump bloviates.
    DeSantis will debate anyone anywhere because his record and motives are superb and unimpeachable.
    trump is hiding in Mar a Lago.

    You fuckers don’t deserve RDS.
    You deserve 4 more years of biden*


  7. It’s also so supremely rich for a Trumper making fun of ANY campaign considering how many turncoats Trump had on his team.
    Bwahahaha! Look in a fucking mirror!
    Hell, his picks make Julius Caesar’s Senators say “damn, those niggas have NO respect…”


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